Looking Ahead

THURS., OCT. 8, 1998, 9:32 AM

This title doesn’t “specify” whether this “looking” is toward your life, the future of your family, or of this earth and its peoples. There may be some of each, actually, for I do see individuals and I do see… “everything”. I’ll also say again that you are not called to be a prophet, so don’t expect predictions or conclusions about “what will be”. This morning, as you are now alone on this Farm for some days, I shall help you in “looking ahead”.

There are now no tasks pressing on you. Session is over two weeks off, and last month’s minutes have been done for some time. The Newsletter task is not until the end of the month. You have one or two presentations that will require some preparation, but you truly can focus on this study… and this place. Firewood needs to be cut, and the weather is fine for that now. (I won’t go over other needs here. They’re quite apparent.) With this Ruminations out you could be looking back and be open to My suggestion on a theme for this pre-winter Letter.

As I told you, you did rather well in that oral yesterday, but, looking ahead, you see that your major interest for the career portion of this Emeritus time will be the spiritual, rather than the many other aspects of Health, your former career focus. You’ll have a few more of these orals and thesis/dissertation opportunities, but there will be no need to be super critical. You’ll mainly be doing it for the love of these special students who soon will graduate and move on. Thus you realize that your association with students will diminish, naturally. You just could make it known, by word-of-mouth and through ESG, that you would be particularly interested in talking with students who have some interest in the spirit as an aspect of health.

Looking ahead at your life, in total, you have some disabilities, but nothing that can’t be compensated for. This place gives opportunities for exercise, and you should continue to take advantage of this. As you realize, you are in transition from your active career toward eventual retirement from any university responsibilities. Continue to see the value in this time of transition. All parts of the “journey” are of spiritual value. Savor this while you have it, but also be preparing for even less professional involvement.

You are not at all sure what you should be doing in relation to the downturn in the national and world economy. You are in as good a place as you could be… and you love it here, fortunately. (I do choose well, don’t I?!) You need to consider what monies that you have go for, and how some “expenses” could be cut. There is likely to be a good deal of publicized suffering and “premature” loss of life, but I see this as necessary for a rebalancing. As I have told you, I am little concerned with national and global economics and politics. (9:32 / 9:33) I am concerned about ecological relationships, which includes an increasing human population, increasing desires for some greater affluence, and a physical earth that is not able to adapt to these factors and maintain a good balance of all life forms.

Thus, you can discern that I am not concerned about most deaths, from whatever causes. It might be seen as “ideal” if the food produced were distributed so that all could have what they need, but there is no practical way for Me to “arrange this”, with the present growing population. Some of My life forms, such as viruses and bacteria, provide some competition for human life, and I see this as necessary. (Yes, these are “of Me” and not of “the devil”)

THURS., OCT. 8, 1998, 9:32 AM

This title doesn’t “specify” whether this “looking” is toward your life, the future of your family, or of this earth and its peoples. There may be some of each, actually, for I do see individuals and I do see… “everything”. I’ll also say again that you are not called to be a prophet, so don’t expect predictions or conclusions about “what will be”. This morning, as you are now alone on this Farm for some days, I shall help you in “looking ahead”.

There are now no tasks . . .

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