Looking Forward? To A Trip

THURS., AUG. 3, 2000, 2:34 PM

You don’t leave until a week from tomorrow, but it appears that you are actually going… even by air. You have wanted to go, for this is at least a small gathering of Lenore’s kin… and therefore, by marriage, yours. You are not anxious to see and interact with all of these folk, but it would seem odd if you were not there, and this shall be a “test” of your capacities to think positively and appreciate even the “down sides” of life events. You shall trust that Carolyn will be faithful in feeding your “critters” and that everything will be “in order” when you return.

The size of this gathering will not be your “ideal” at this time in your life, but it will give you choices of who to relate with. It may be quite a worthwhile experience. (And Matthew does seem to be “blessing you” with the tickets to fly!) But I do expect you to find a time and a place, each day if possible (My “leeway”!), to hear Me and to have My Teachings to you be a record of this event, somewhat like unto these ones from Synod School ten years ago. And these are unique “records”, you must admit!

Your family (“of origin”) didn’t have reunions such as this one. You went to your Grandparents’ house regularly, and, a bit less regularly, you spent part of a Sunday with cousin Barbara and her family, Aunt Opal and Uncle Bill. You did travel to Montana several times, but you recall no large gatherings of relatives and “kin”, and very few, other than some Christmases, when members of “both sides” of your family came together.

For this occasion, of course… the celebration of 50 years of marriage, Joyce with Bob… there will be only Joyce’s kin… and, thus, only Lenore’s also. Yet the numbers may still be close to 30. There are some who you would like to see there, who won’t be, and there will be some there whom you don’t care to see… but hear that… be aware… some of “these” could be ones “meant” for you. Take along some Teachings from the other “gathering”… and be open to some who are interested in “what We do together”.

At the same time I do not fault your “other desire” – to stay here and enjoy contemplation and familiar, enjoyable tasks. It is less and less important for you to “be active”, for you are privileged to have this Farm place and a quiet, enjoyable life. Part of this is coming up here, to the “big U”, taking pleasure in still having a small “place” here, amid some “relics” of your long career as a professor. You are appreciative of this aspect of your life, as you should be. (The rain comes down in a storm, and your truck seat will be “quite wet”. You didn’t expect this “gift” of rain, good for your garden.)

From a “family” point of view, it is a bit odd that the two sons who live close to you here shall be there, but not the one whom you see less often. Wendy may be there (with sons?) and she certainly is one that you look forward to seeing. But others may “spark” you. Just be aware.

Zane and Kerri-Ann, of the two “host families”, have always been favorites of yours, and this is a plus. Perhaps there will be an opportunity for you to explore the spiritual “place” of either one, or both, of these fine young people. It will be quite easy, even expected, for talk to be “light”, avoiding explorations of the spiritual. But remember that they do receive (and, presumably, read) Our Ruminations, so the encounters I suggest may come easier than you would expect.

(Aha! The storm outside means that you will be able to finish this Teaching. Was this just coincidence… or…?)

THURS., AUG. 3, 2000, 2:34 PM

You don’t leave until a week from tomorrow, but it appears that you are actually going… even by air. You have wanted to go, for this is at least a small gathering of Lenore’s kin… and therefore, by marriage, yours. You are not anxious to see and interact with all of these folk, but it would seem odd if you were not there, and this shall be a “test” of your capacities to think positively and appreciate even the “down sides” of life events. You shall trust that Carolyn . . .

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