Lord, It’s Hard To Be Humble…

WED., OCT. 21, 1992, 8:53 AM

One of the repetitive themes of Holy Scripture is the admonition to be humble. As Jesus, I, as Almighty God, humbled Myself in becoming part of a small Jewish community. I was not rich and powerful. I was not well educated, by human standards of the time. Even after I commenced My ministry I sometimes told people not to tell others of what they had seen and heard. I did not “save Myself” at My trial. I went to death rather humbly, and I even returned in a rather humble way.

And yet… I sometimes preached in a fiery fashion, and I criticized the Pharisees in a decidedly unhumble way. To the disciples I revealed Myself as the Son Who was One with the Father. The story thus reveals that My humility was mixed with assuredness and strength that showed.

You see yourself as being somewhat humble. You do not seek power nor positions of authority. You are rarely demanding of your own way, exclusively. You even try, on occasions, to act in a humble fashion. You do not abuse your position of seniority. You don’t see yourself, even, as a demanding teacher, which may be weakness as well as strength.

This morning, in the study group, you shared the perceptions of My servant Jimmy Carter as one who now serves in a humble fashion. He is a former President of your country, but he is remembered as a weak executive, too humble for the responsibilities he had. None of the current candidates could be charged with being humble, even as they try to avoid being seen as arrogant. Jimmy does humble work now, not fighting the image of him that prevails. He knows that I have led him in his life… to the Presidency, through some shame, and on to a quiet life of service to some who have little of life’s big benefits.

I tell you that you needn’t try for more acclaim, for more rewards. I do want you to be faithful to this receiving of Teachings from Me, with Our Ruminations as a circulated evidence of this “gift.” Here’s where your humbleness is challenged. With this “gift” shouldn’t you be proud? Shouldn’t you let it be known that I am speaking to people in the earth through you? No… I tell you to take your clue from Me. I do speak to you, and some others can benefit from this, but, in humility, I do not urge you to become famous, or infamous, because of Our relationship. I have many ways of working, and most of them are characterized by humility.

You have much of which you can be proud. You are above average, and it is harder to be humble when you have achieved in certain obvious ways. Yet you also see that you have not developed certain leadership skills, and you are not widely known, even in your rather humble field. You accept, with humility, that when you retire you will be not long remembered, as most retirees are not.

The proper balance to humbleness is service. With Me, I want you to be proud that you have been chosen, for this and other service tasks in your “world.” Be proud that you know of continuing life, and that your relationship with Me has been so obvious and so close over most of your adult life. Your thanks for these blessings must come in service. Opportunities still abound, but they shall lessen as you age. You then must create such, and there are so many people with whom you could communicate, sharing observations on their lives and your own… and My place in the “whole picture”.

WED., OCT. 21, 1992, 8:53 AM

One of the repetitive themes of Holy Scripture is the admonition to be humble. As Jesus, I, as Almighty God, humbled Myself in becoming part of a small Jewish community. I was not rich and powerful. I was not well educated, by human standards of the time. Even after I commenced My ministry I sometimes told people not to tell others of what they had seen and heard. I did not “save Myself” at My trial. I went to death rather humbly, and I even returned in a rather humble . . .

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