Lord Of All… Really!

THURS., FEB. 8, 1990, 10:52 AM

There are many challenges to the truth of this title, o son. Even as I have given you this truth many times, you often still tend to think of My influence as being only in the Christian context. It was important to constitute the Christian religious, arising, in a way, out of the older Jewish faith, in terms of exclusion. I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, and the prophets. Then I came to earth and was as Jesus, the Christ, the human Messiah. I was crucified, but I arose and still am present for many Christians. But I also “unleashed” the Holy Spirit, and I work boundlessly here in the earth. Therefore this seems to be a different religion from Judaism, for the Jews do not accept My becoming Triune. Am I the same God, who speaks differently to different folks, or are these different Gods?

You viewed a picturization of the Bali culture, with a religion practiced much differently than yours, and with much reference to gods, rather than God. Is this still under My influence? Am I part of cults that forcefully deny My being? Am I an influence in the lives of myriad people who deny any spiritual reality? Am I present when I am blasphemed and cursed? You certainly know Me well enough to affirm the above title. There is no place where I am not, and there is no person, in bodily or spirit form, with whom I am not with, in some way.

Now clearly My influence is not always heeded, and I seldom press hard, even with committed servants. Also, and this is hard to explain, there are reasons for conduct and situations that do not always seem positive… that seem downright cruel and destructive. The balancing of earth life, without excessive “interference”, and yet to achieve maximum spiritual growth, is simply not explainable. With all good intentions your government cannot function without hurting some persons, directly or indirectly. My “government” is exceedingly more complex.

But every now and again I feel like proclaiming that really and truly I am THE GOD that all people acknowledge, even as the ways are diverse. I am THE GOD that is doubted, denied, and rejected. I am THE GOD to whom all lesser gods point. This phenomenon of “other gods” really does not bother Me as much as My Holy Scriptures suggest. Holy Scripture is all truth. Also Holy Scripture contains some observations (even some attributed to Me) that were more relevant to the people of that time than to modern life. Many Scriptures also can be interpreted in different ways. And about this I am not bothered.

I love this earth, and its diverse regions. I was instrumental in directing or allowing the actions which have made this a beautiful, habitable planet, just the right distance from My sun. I love the peoples of this earth in their marvelous diversity. I love intelligent people, and many others with less brain power. I love those with much will power and self-control, and I forgive their feelings of righteousness and superiority. I love average, ordinary, unnoticed people, who aren’t much known or remembered as they live earth life. I love those who cannot seem to control themselves or who wander through life aimlessly… even as they never repent and turn to Me, as a human.

For each comes to Me on the other side and I do lovingly help each to see the life lived, its beauties, its ugliness, and its ordinary, pedestrian actions. Some do advance spiritually as they see their life in panorama. Hear Me as I say that I am not displeased with how the earth and its people are.

Yet the time is coming when prayers will be lifted to Me for deliverance and protection from various dangers that modern life shall bestow upon many humans. I shall be blamed, in some cases, where people sicken and die or when conditions of earth take lives. I am a sustainer of lives, but in the future I shall allow more loss of life in order to maintain the best balances possible.

THURS., FEB. 8, 1990, 10:52 AM

There are many challenges to the truth of this title, o son. Even as I have given you this truth many times, you often still tend to think of My influence as being only in the Christian context. It was important to constitute the Christian religious, arising, in a way, out of the older Jewish faith, in terms of exclusion. I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, and the prophets. Then I came to earth and was as Jesus, the Christ, the human Messiah. I was crucified, but I . . .

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