
SUN., OCT. 25, 1987, 6:24 AM

You are making progress on the tasks that are the aftermath of your time away. I just had to exact a commitment from you, or you might have let these wait too long. You reacted as you should have to My “attention-getter.” Now you have yet another piece of evidence that I can manipulate the “natural world”… for My purposes.

The theme this Christian Sabbath day is Lordship. This that I did (and the nature of it is not important) is a small example of this theme, for Lordship implies power and influence. I, speaking as the Lord, do have power and influence, even as I do not use it excessively here in the earth. In most cases My power comes through those humans whom I have influenced. I want the earth to remain as natural as possible while still seeing evidence of My Lordship. It is an interesting balance I must continuously maintain.

A vivid example of this is prayer for the sick, particularly those who are dying. I hear many prayers for healing and many to sustain life where it would take a pretty hefty miracle. I want the prayers to continue, for prayer is fine evidence of My Lordship. So I do exert some power and I take advantage of natural tendencies toward healing. The “natural” healing power of prayer is in its capacity to build and sustain hope and faith, and these two “unmeasurables” have a positive influence on the healing powers of some bodies. And it also is important, for My Lordship, that some prayers are not answered as directed. The person prayed for dies, and the one praying has a test of faith. When she survives this test, the faith is is stronger and My Lordship is more fully established.

So… the Lord is benevolent, but also exacting. I am the Way, and also the way to the Way. I let some “competition” arise, and some persons thrive in this spirit of competition. For such I can only be the Lord when I have surmounted the evil forces, even the evil one, that (who) challenge My Lordship. To you I say that this competition is not truly real, for nothing or no one truly challenges My Lordship. I am the power that prevails. You had best cast your lot with Me. Otherwise you are wasting earth time and its opportunities to develop in My nurturing “shadow.”

Lordship implies ownership, and I say again that this earth is Mine (despite a couple of Scriptures that seem to imply otherwise). You can total up all of the crime, the blasphemy, even the evidence that I am not in power and not even necessary, and you will still hear My quiet but powerful assertion that this earth is Mine. I am its Lord, as well as the Lord of all realms in which souls are and in which spirits develop.

Lordship implies judgment, and I do also serve as a judge, even as I am judging My own creation. Just as you, an imperfect father, continue to accept your sons, even as they act in ways of which you do not approve, so I judge, but I do not condemn. I truly “want everyone back.” I do not junk anyone. My power and influence are not hurt by those who reject Me and My ways. A true Lord is not bothered or threatened by those who do not accept His Lordship. The opportunity remains to “bring them around.” Judgments and punishments sometimes help. That’s all I’ll say.

The source of the Lord’s strength is, simply, love. Love is what characterizes the Lord, and this is more fundamental than power and influence. I am all that I have described because I love, in both cosmic, universal ways and in ways quite personal. I love each soul that is born into the earth… and also each one who dies, quietly to violently. I tell you again that death is just a door from here to there, with the constancy that I am the Lord on both sides. I love each, but I also love the creation, and its sustenance requires (yes, requires) death in balance with birth and life.

SUN., OCT. 25, 1987, 6:24 AM

You are making progress on the tasks that are the aftermath of your time away. I just had to exact a commitment from you, or you might have let these wait too long. You reacted as you should have to My “attention-getter.” Now you have yet another piece of evidence that I can manipulate the “natural world”… for My purposes.

The theme this Christian Sabbath day is Lordship. This that I did (and the nature of it is not important) is a small example of this theme, for Lordship implies . . .

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