Loss Of A Spiritual Home

SAT., OCT. 15, 1988, 7:15 AM

You have heard Me say repeatedly that this Farm is a special place for you. It is where you should be for the best balance in your spiritual growth. It has provided your continuing opportunity to plant, to improve the soil, to raise animals, and to have “space” for living. I have given you no indication that this Farm would not be your residence for as long as you or I wanted it to be.

Yet now you face the possibility of having to sell or of living in the near neighborhood of a stone quarry. This would mean either the loss of your spiritual home or the transformation of it into a condition much less desirable. You are, of course, interested in what I have to say about this. I shall not be mum about this happening, o son.

Remember one of My basic premises: I do not control all the details of earth life. I can cause changes to occur or not to occur, but I seldom do. I answer some prayers for intervention as the prayer desires, but more often the natural consequences are as the ones praying want. I could interfere in some way, and this whole quarry project would not come to fruition. If this happens you can thank Me profusely, whether I actually intervened or not.

There is much that must be done before an actual quarry is in operation on this property. There are many details that could slow the project or hold it up interminably. You have not actually lost your home yet.

It is wise, however, for you to consider alternatives. You do not like the thought of giving up this study, with its panoramic view of trees and their manifestation of the seasons. This calls for you to appreciate this place more fully as you have it. Clean it up. Make it the way you would really have it be. But do not “hold on to it.” Like life itself, appreciate it fully for as long as you have it, but then look ahead to what comes next with anticipation.

In effect, this is the same advice I give for living life. It is a both/and recommendation, which is not easy to incorporate into life. Life should be a matter both of being and becoming. It is crucial for you to be as fully as you can be… in this task, during this day, this weekend, this month, this year. This is supreme present orientation, and I call for this. At the same time, realize that life is dynamic and changing, and therefore you are in the continuing process of becoming, a definite future orientation. The rhythm of these two orientations must be guided by your spirit rather than your mind, and the best balance is not always easy.

When you moved into town some years ago for a time you knew you would return to this Farm, and you maintained some relationship with the place, knowing it would be here when the circumstances were right. Yet during that time you adapted well to that home and appreciated its advantages rather than lamenting its short-comings.

Interestingly, you already have been thinking of alternatives for your time of retirement, even as this appears to be somewhat in the future. You have thought about these and now have shared them with Lenore. So, in truth, you have considered leaving this Farm, even as you expected it to remain… though probably changed in some ways. This was a wise muse for your time in life. Still, as you talked yesterday you realized there are many factors involved in selecting the best alternative for this release from working life. The quarry is one such intruding factor.

“How can I sing the Lord’s song in a strange land” cried the Hebrew, taken from this homeland. Know that I am not bound to a place, even as I have some favorites… and neither must you be. My servant Bernie says that life, lived long, is an opportunity to find new people to love. The same can be said for places to live. If you must leave this place, look for some place else to love, even equally.

SAT., OCT. 15, 1988, 7:15 AM

You have heard Me say repeatedly that this Farm is a special place for you. It is where you should be for the best balance in your spiritual growth. It has provided your continuing opportunity to plant, to improve the soil, to raise animals, and to have “space” for living. I have given you no indication that this Farm would not be your residence for as long as you or I wanted it to be.

Yet now you face the possibility of having to sell or of living in the near . . .

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