
TUES., OCT. 27, 1998, 6:15 AM

Your focus this morning is too much on losses that you realize or imagine. So I take it to be My task, as your everpresent Advisor, Friend, and Spirit Guide, to help you see life in a more positive way. You generally do see life as I want you to see it, seeing the pluses as always outweighing the minuses, but now you are slipping. What do I say?

Over all your physical body still functions well for a man your age in this culture. You’ve almost accepted that the numbness in your feet is the condition for the rest of this earth life. It is bothersome, and you expect it to be worse during the winter, but you can still walk reasonably well. You can run, if necessary, and you just have to be more aware of balance problems.

Your left hand seems to have stabilized in its losses, and you’ve regained some strength. Some ordinary tasks are difficult without that thumb and index finger action, but you’re adapting pretty well. You may need another change in glasses unless you just give up on small print. Sexual function is still a loss that is troubling. Keep trying the supplements, but realize that, finally, you and Lenore have to work this through together.

Your greater concern now is financial. There for awhile this year you “relaxed”, feeling confident that you have sufficient money to live well, now and in the future. Now you’re struggling with a loss that you can’t identify, and this brings uncomfortable feelings about the future. This despite your deeper conviction that I can and I will provide for you. It just gets dimmed, even lost for awhile, when these circumstances, such as this one, arise. You’ll have to work this out, today or tomorrow, but I’ll just assure you that Our relationship is still strong and viable.

Yes, I do redirect you to a session with Habakkuk, this poor, strange unknown soul, who was in worse trouble than you are. And there have been many others, but Habakkuk got his brief story, with its final affirmation, as a part of Holy Scripture. You are still in the midst of your “story”, and it does have, of necessity, a few bumps and ruts in the journey. It is of little consolation now, but when you come back on over you will see how this is all a necessary part of this life story. But you’ll also appreciate My guidance and Help, as this chapter unfolds. I certainly do not forsake you or leave you “on your own”.

Harkening back to your brief, but important, coaching career, you can empathize with Coach Q as his team accumulates losses, each by a few points. Such a season would have been devastating to you, as a young coach, for you, too, did hate to lose. Yet I remind you that losses are part of earth life. Some are just “accidents” of life, for I don’t control details (though I can if necessary). Some, on the other hand, are part of a life plan that you helped to formulate. Now you are living it, and it isn’t all pleasant and comfortable.

Accept the realities of “what is”. Have the courage and the drive to “change things” when possible. And then refocus on the whole picture of your life, seeing the “mass” of positive happenings, in contrast to the “mole hill” (but, yes, these are bothersome, spoiling your lawn) of harmful, stressful events and conditions. You have enjoyed a mostly trouble free life, and you are well aware of this… and appreciate it.

TUES., OCT. 27, 1998, 6:15 AM

Your focus this morning is too much on losses that you realize or imagine. So I take it to be My task, as your everpresent Advisor, Friend, and Spirit Guide, to help you see life in a more positive way. You generally do see life as I want you to see it, seeing the pluses as always outweighing the minuses, but now you are slipping. What do I say?

Over all your physical body still functions well for a man your age in this culture. You’ve almost accepted that the . . .

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