Love… And Election

SUN., SEPT. 4-5, 1994, 6:55 AM

Love is what I am. The creation of this earth as a plane of being and the creation of all the life that is herein was an act of love. Most theories of creation don’t consider this… especially scientific theories. Even theological theories don’t emphasize that love was a major motivation.

If this is so, am I then disappointed and frustrated by the lack of love that I see in hearts and exhibited by humans, My greatest single creation. (Remember that My “greatest” creation is this whole interaction of various forms of life on a planet that not only sustains life, but encourages healthy, happy living). No, the earth is functioning about as I intended… except for some excess of human life. I love human life, but I can see, more clearly than computer simulations, some consequences of continued growth in this form of life.

You know, vaguely, the story of Me, as the Lord Krishna, and the warrior Arjuna. He didn’t want to kill some of his own family members, and though the story doesn’t emphasize this, love was a factor. He loved those family members because they were family. I said, essentially, that he had to, because this was a “job” he was elected or called to do. He had to love his duty more than individual persons.

This, of course, is My dilemma. I love human life, and I love individual humans. When individuals die “prematurely” from accidents, diseases, or the natural workings of the whole system I am not bothered. I greet these souls and life for them continues in some more spiritual setting. But if I must purposely affect the earth so that more humans die or are not conceived I find this difficult, because of love.

( 7:25 AM / 7:40 AM. 9/5)

Your election is not a major, history-making one. It also is one requiring drastic action. There is a world population conference commencing today in Cairo, Egypt, and though you shall be interested in the reports that emanate you are not there. You are not one of those who will make big decisions or carry out programs. You will merely teach about this in your small classes, living in an area of low population, on a special Farm with no press of excess people. In love I have guided you to this situation, so that you can do comfortably what you are elected to do.

Richard’s emphasis yesterday was on humans having choices and making these rather “freely.” Again I say to, as I have many times, that I, too, have a Will, and if I want a particular person to take on a special, or even an ordinary task, I exert that Will and am never really thwarted. As Jesus, I chose disciples, and they came with Me, often wondering why. My Will is compelling, and is not easily over come, should I choose to exert it.

SUN., SEPT. 4-5, 1994, 6:55 AM

Love is what I am. The creation of this earth as a plane of being and the creation of all the life that is herein was an act of love. Most theories of creation don’t consider this... especially scientific theories. Even theological theories don’t emphasize that love was a major motivation.

If this is so, am I then disappointed and frustrated by the lack of love that I see in hearts and exhibited by humans, My greatest single creation. (Remember that My “greatest” creation is this whole interaction . . .

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