Love And Grace… My Best

MON., JULY 29, 1985, 9:22 AM

On your way to another place… another opportunity to be My servant in a different setting. In this park on a warm summer morning let Me tell you, o son, of My two best gifts. This earth itself, with its evident beauty certainly is a gift to humankind, and you are appropriately grateful for the portion that is yours to enjoy. But this beauty and functionality would be for naught if human relationships could not flower and mature. And hence the need for these two gifts of which I speak now.

Love and grace are, in one sense, the same… in another, they are complementary… and in yet another, they are different. Each is reality. Don’t bother deciding which is the truest.

Love is the fundamental creative force. I created this earth in love, and I create humans and all other creatures in and with love. In love I make it possible for people to exhibit a shortage of spirit, shown forth in selfishness, hate, anger, fear, envy, pride, and… . For in My plan for the earth these do enhance spiritual growth, and this is My high priority for this realm. Fear abounds. And then love is unleashed, and fear retreats. Spirit grows. The earth in some place is desecrated. In love beauty is restored. And spirit grows.

I would that all people would live in love, even as I know that this is impossible. Yes, you must understand that I am not limited by the rationality of Western culture. You can only have glimpses of how I perceive and these are not necessarily consistent. Western thinkers, including theologians and clergy persons, often try to limit Me to rational, “reasonable,” consistent intentions and acts. This is succumbing to the first commandment: thou shalt have no other gods before Me. This includes creating a god based on some of My statements in Holy Scripture, limiting Me to proclamations – at the expense of love and grace.

I presented commandments, and these still are good guides to life conduct. Yet as Jesus I offered the more important standard, for you and other true Christians – you shall love Me and all of My creation, you shall love others, and, CONSEQUENTLY, you shall love yourself. (You can love yourself properly when you truly accept that I am a part of you, and you of Me, and that you are a part of others, and they of you. Separateness is an illusion important to those of limited spiritual development.)

I also knew, and know, that it is not possible for you to love as you should, and it is not possible, in loving, to keep all of the commandments fully and exactly. So, in love I give you grace, the gift which proclaims that you are forgiven, you are accepted, your “sins” are of no account in the presence of My love and grace. Picture a chunk of ice that you chop from your pond in the midst of cold winter. It is solid and real and heavy. Then picture it placed on pasture ground in the heat of summer. It melts, is absorbed, and evaporates. The heat of the sun and the warmth of the ground take away its reality. It can exist only as it is shielded from this heat. So it is with human behavior and My love. The reality of “misdeeds” evaporates in the presence of My love. As I have told you often… you don’t have to be good… just faithful.

MON., JULY 29, 1985, 9:22 AM

On your way to another place… another opportunity to be My servant in a different setting. In this park on a warm summer morning let Me tell you, o son, of My two best gifts. This earth itself, with its evident beauty certainly is a gift to humankind, and you are appropriately grateful for the portion that is yours to enjoy. But this beauty and functionality would be for naught if human relationships could not flower and mature. And hence the need for these two gifts of which I speak . . .

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