Love And The Spirit

OCT. 11, 1980, 8:03 AM

When you consider the spiritual dimension to health, o son, you can never consider long without encountering Love. For love is the most fundamental manifestation of spirit… the essence of true relationship.

As I have told you before, love is also an emotion, a powerful one. People with poorly developed spirits can feel love… can even accept love when it is expressed toward them. Yet when it is love, the emotion, it springs from the mind, which is fundamentally self-centered. Love, the emotion, is a creation of self, and love manifested for the benefit of self. You love because you need to love, and love returned helps fill that need. This should not be “put down”. It is a vital part of the human creation that is Mine. Love is the most positive of emotions, and, at times, it can serve to lessen or overcome the negative emotions of fear, hate, and anger.

But, as I have also told you before, intertwined with love, the emotion, is Love, the evidence of spirit. “…and the greatest of these is Love”. Love is the true concern for others, the motivation for most of the truly good things that people do for each other. When the spirit is strong, love is dominant. It simply overpowers other feelings and other motivations for behaving, and, as My servant Jerry says, love is what you really are. That is obviously simplified, but if you do desire to bring definition down to a single concept… you are love, both giving and receiving, simultaneously and all intertwined.

When your spirit reaches out and embraces other spirits, love is the contact. When one withholds love until one can be sure the other merits it, the relationship may never develop, for without love the shortcomings and faults of others become evident… dominantly so. On the other hand, if the other person responds in love this can kindle the love in self and relationship can grow.

When spirit is strong and love is dominant relationships develop easily and quickly, particularly with those of like spirit. When another does not respond, the love that comes from spirit still flows… is not diminished by rebuff or disinterest. Love is patient. Love comes tricklin’… yea flowing… down… and up and all around.

OCT. 11, 1980, 8:03 AM

When you consider the spiritual dimension to health, o son, you can never consider long without encountering Love. For love is the most fundamental manifestation of spirit… the essence of true relationship.

As I have told you before, love is also an emotion, a powerful one. People with poorly developed spirits can feel love… can even accept love when it is expressed toward them. Yet when it is love, the emotion, it springs from the mind, which is fundamentally self-centered. Love, the emotion, is a creation of self, and love . . .

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