Love, Certainly

MAY 15, 1980, 5:47 AM

Well, o son of Mine, there wasn’t much doubt as to what the theme of this meditation would be. As Michael commented yesterday on My statement that I purpose that all souls shall acknowledge and serve Me… and his comment was that all should love Me… you knew that I would speak to this. In fact, you felt it several times yesterday, and this morning as you awoke you felt Me drawing you here. When there is that much of a compelling feeling you should “take the time” as you feel it. Allright, I realize you are “short of time” now. Yet consider the crossword puzzles and the newspaper reading… it all adds up. But this is only a suggestion, not an admonition.

Love, certainly. Love is what I am, most of all. When I indwell in you… in anyone… I send forth love into your “system”. And the natural response of your spirit is to love in return. When the spirit is well-developed this is what happens, and there is love of and for Me, and love of others, even of the “least of these, My brethren”.

Love is the most fundamental ingredient in human/spiritual relationships. So when I said acknowledge and serve, yesterday, I assumed that underlying these would be love. But I didn’t say it then, so you shall hear almost more than you want to know about it today. I am not stingy in My responses.

Love is such a wondrous “characteristic” that it is difficult to describe in words. Acknowledgment and service can be more easily recognized. They have more tangibility. But love… I feel it for and about you, and you feel it for and about Me, but how can this be “known”. You have questioned, in the past, the matter of love of Me being a commandment… the Great Commandment. “Though shalt” is a strong introduction.

In this case you have to understand commandment in a wider way. It is not so much what you shall do as how you shall be. The essence of right relationship with Me is love…and the “feeling” of it comes in many ways. Yes, love manifests itself in myriad ways, which makes certain identification of it (if that were important) difficult. Just know that if you are in good relationship with Me your tendency to love will be heightened and your capacities increased. And it matters little to Me whether the love is manifested directly back to Me or onto someone who needs it badly.

You know, of course, now, that the incident with Russ yesterday was a clear example that I provided. You, Michael, and Lenore were all involved… you least easily. You could have “gotten out of it” legitimately, and you were somewhat surprised that you didn’t “excuse yourself”. But not really, because, while you knew you should be involved, you also wanted to be. This is love, manifesting itself. It really isn’t important that you acknowledge Me as the source of your feeling. In one sense you should, but in another it, finally, is a manifestation from you, a developed spirit. The more “hopelessly intertwined” your spirit is with Mine the less possible it is to determine “which is you and which is Me”. And what’s the point of it, anyway?

You all dealt with Russ, lovingly and he needed that. Yes, his problem is a classic one of spirit. You have a sense that you can help. You can, as you are motivated by love. Just know and consider that.

Love is a vital concept in Our life together, but it just cannot be encompassed by words. You have heard, in your head this morning, Paul’s words… to the effect that the person without love is as clanging brass and tinkling cymbal. Now that has an interesting sound, and it does have meaning, but it is hard to argue that this is a clear, definitive statement.

As I said before, love is an emotion that anyone can feel, but there is a qualitative difference between that emotion and that love engendered and emboldened by My Spirit and which his expressed as a manifestation of your spirit. But you can’t know that because there is no way you can not just feel the emotion.

So don’t try to define it. Just be aware of love and do describe its manifestations. They are some of life’s best moments. Love as you live today. (as if you could really do other!)

Shalom, o son
6:56 AM