Love Is

FRI., OCT. 2, 1987, 6:55 AM LOVE IS

After being away from this meditation experience for sometime what more powerful theme could you be given than this one… love is. Love is the “glue” that holds this earth plane together. It has many forms… and it has one form. Mostly it is unrecognized, because it often is overshadowed by hate, anger, greed, deceit and other negative spiritual responses. Yet hear, o son, for I proclaim that as I am the Creator and Sustainer of life and life processes I keep the love flowing.

Just as the vital force for earth life is the energy from the sun, so the vital ingredient for spiritual life is love from Me. Just as the sun’s rays may be deflected and be of no use, so My stream of love may be “deflected” by lack of recognition or a refusal to accept this most worthwhile gift. And still I persist, offering love that is the basic ingredient of happiness, true success, and the ultimate human experience, joy.

Consider yet another both/and. I send forth love, which stimulates love, in a steady, maximal “amount.” Then in certain situations I give even more. This is like unto the matter of My spiritual growth. In reality and by definition I need no further spiritual growth. I am the fundamental Spirit and nothing can be added to Me. Then a life is lived selflessly, even a simple life, unknown to most other persons, and the return of that spirit enriches Me. This does not negate the first assertion. They simply co-exist as illogical complements to each other. So in sending forth love I am both maximally constant and capable of providing “even more.”

My love stimulates love in persons. As one of these gives forth love this stimulates love in yet another. Animals can respond to love, and give it forth again, in limited ways. So can plants… and places… though more limited. Some situations have love, which is more than the sum of what participants give forth.

Then why isn’t the earth that perfect garden that it should be with all of this love abounding? Hear this analogy. Yesterday the sun shone, warmly in a cloudless sky. Today there are clouds, and the sun cannot be seen. These changes are necessary for the overall growth, and health, of the earth and all that is therein. When the sun shines, water evaporates. This forms clouds, and these clouds eventually send moisture back to the earth. For the best balance of growth these must be cold gloomy days, rainy miserable days. In like fashion for spiritual growth to take place there must be counters and alternatives to this nurturing love. Without tragedies would there be a need for compassion… this special “form” of love. For some love is stimulated more by its opposites than by love itself. As I have told you, other realms are different. Some have only love, and you have experienced such. The earth is that special realm where love must compete.

If you were fully enlightened you would respond only to and with love. In your culture you would be considered “freaky” and unrealistic. You would propose actions, such as peace with all designated “enemies”, that would be labeled foolish and dangerous. You would give away your substance for you be unable to turn down any plea for help. If you were just “playing at” this state of enlightenment you would regularly reflect on how foolish your actions are. If you truly were in that state your perceptions would be only of love, and your actions would not only be all loving, but you would truly see no other alternatives.

FRI., OCT. 2, 1987, 6:55 AM LOVE IS

After being away from this meditation experience for sometime what more powerful theme could you be given than this one… love is. Love is the “glue” that holds this earth plane together. It has many forms… and it has one form. Mostly it is unrecognized, because it often is overshadowed by hate, anger, greed, deceit and other negative spiritual responses. Yet hear, o son, for I proclaim that as I am the Creator and Sustainer of life and life processes I keep the love flowing.

Just as the vital force for . . .

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