Love Is The Result

FRI., OCT. 11, 1985, 5:40 AM

You hear the title, and you write it down, but you have very little idea of what it means. Thus, in this early morning time you come to Me in faith… confident that I can make something worthwhile from these four words. Your confidence is not misplaced, o son.

Much love was displayed and exchanged throughout yesterday. You were not properly aware of the exchange of love, but it was happening, nevertheless. Even that strange task of tabulating the survey was an act of love. You could have seen it as such and appreciated the process and use of time more completely. Why did you volunteer? Well, there was some professional motivation and some sense of duty, but, particularly as it became a more onerous task than you expected, you did it out of love. And the result was even more love.

The meetings you attended were replete with people that you know and like, and the result of those experiences was love, even as you were not aware of it at the time. You can recall now that the feeling was a loving one, but was not identified as such there. Yet it was the impetus that took you into the evening… and the obvious exchange of love of which you were a part. (I realize your concern for time now, and this is a Teaching that can be extended, so leave for awhile, but know that you must finish during the morning.
6:12 AM / 12:08 PM
It as not difficult to feel the love in the interaction with your young colleagues last evening. It is an almost frightening responsibility to have them turning to you in this way for spiritual nurture. You must maintain the balance that I have recommended – responding with love and genuine humility, but resisting their attempts to cast you as a guru. This is an important balance… one that is important to Me.

Appreciate the love that results from different sorts of encounters. You can go in to an experience with love, and that clearly is the most desirable approach… and awareness of this is ideal, but not absolutely necessary. You did not enter into the breakfast meeting with a full awareness of love, and the first encounters were not particularly enjoyable. But then you began to enter into the process and, as the title proclaims, love was the result. You left feeling much love for those nice colleagues, even those you just met. It is not necessary to verbalize your feelings on each occasion. You needn’t be a person who expresses love repeatedly. Now and again… OK.

You have two rather opposite contributions to make this afternoon. There is the rather dramatic and negative one about the environmental destruction of a nuclear winter. And then there is the positive, loving contribution of better understanding of My servants and friends in the Soviet Union. The more you can feel the love I have for these human souls and that they have for one another, the more your portion can encourage love. Look beyond the differences and the faults and envision the likenesses. If you can do this, and My servant Willis has helped, it will be easier for others to feel this akinness. That’s enough to say about this opportunity.

FRI., OCT. 11, 1985, 5:40 AM

You hear the title, and you write it down, but you have very little idea of what it means. Thus, in this early morning time you come to Me in faith… confident that I can make something worthwhile from these four words. Your confidence is not misplaced, o son.

Much love was displayed and exchanged throughout yesterday. You were not properly aware of the exchange of love, but it was happening, nevertheless. Even that strange task of tabulating the survey was an act of love. You could have seen it . . .

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