Love Is The Way

TUES., DEC. 14, 1982, 6:24 AM

When the Holy Scriptures have been read completely and thoroughly, and all of the differences and similarities have been noted, the question may well be asked, “Why all of this?” The answer is Love. Tome upon tome of theology have been written about Me and My ways, but they are for naught if the conclusion is other than the power of Love. The major motivation behind My actions in this world that I have created is love for the whole of creation and love for you humans, My most wonderful and terrible of creatures.

It is in love that I call and instruct some in a harsh and restrictive faith in Me… and this is an important aspect of My total creation. This message is that while I am a loving God I also am angry and hard-nosed. There is one way to come to Me and One Way only. All who do not find this Way, or who reject it for another, or simply take another, are lost. This is a message of Mine, but I finally cannot seem to carry it out without some loss of love.

You certainly know the feeling of having sons who go in ways that do not seem wise to you… or that seem downright wrong. Yet they still are your sons, and your love remains despite their actions, intentions, even values. You accept them as your sons, despite their ways. If you, who love so imperfectly, can do this, try to imagine what I, the source of Love, can and do accomplish. The great spiritual challenge of being given this exclusive message to proclaim and believe is to bring people to My Way without loss of love for those who will not.

In somewhat like fashion you have a message… a story to tell. It is a broader, more inclusive story, but it is being rejected by some. The spiritual challenge of this is… can you feel and maintain love for these who reject this story, given to you by Me? You know that the easy way is to turn toward those who hear you with delight and love them mightily, with a feeling of righteousness. I do not put this down, be assured, because, as I have told you, the capacity to love grows with use. You do not love more through loving less.

So you and My servant Mabel, have a similar challenge… to tell stories and proclaim truth that I have given to you… and love each other and others who will not or cannot accept what you tell. Most fundamentally, it is an exercise in love. Knowing this does not reduce the challenge, but it gives it an ultimate purpose.

I said, through My servant Paul, that love does not insist on its own way. This is another challenge. If love does not insist on its own way, and I am Love, do I insist on My own Way only? If Mabel insists on her own way is she no longer loving? You do not insist on your own way, so loving, by this definition, is easier for you. Is the quality of your love less because it is easier? These are questions to ponder rather than ones with clear, sharp answers.

Love is patient. I am Love, so I am patient. I wait for each of you to grow in spirit, knowing that some paths are less productive than others, but also knowing that any path can be one of growth if you will be aware of Me and of My ways and appreciate the relationship with Me, no matter how it is manifested. If you love Me you will be patient with our relationship, knowing that what I do with and through you has a purpose, even though you cannot discern what it is.

The purpose of human existence is Love. Take the opportunities you have to love, and accept the love that others offer. Love when others do not love you, do not accept you… even reject you. Love when it is not reasonable to do so. Love when it is easy to do so, when it is difficult, and in every “situation” betwixt and between.

This is too simple a gospel. There must be other more complex considerations, including My ultimate nature (including that fascinating one of Me and femaleness). But when you return from theological wanderings… Love Is The Way.

I have said it… and also Amen

7:46 AM