Love… Light… Life

WED., FEB. 8, 1995, 8:34 AM

The fruits of the spirit, and the first one is love. Love is My fundamental nature, as God, as Christ, and as Holy Spirit. It is all that I am, and I am a lot more – both/and. There is much reporting of hate, strife, conflict, and harm, but I tell you, from My “vantage point” love still dominates, even as it is expressed in many cultural ways.

Barbara’s point this morning was an interesting one – that she has learned about and to love through conflicts in her work setting. You have had almost none of such experiences, and this caused you to wonder if you were missing something important. You then dredged up some memories of struggles with your own sons, and now I remind you of Peter’s death. It was not easy love to give, particularly with John Patrick, Peter, and Matthew. But you did love those boys during their years of difficulty, and this did increase your capacities to love.

It is hard for you to think of a person or persons to whom you can’t show and offer love. Yet hear My observation: you do not often show hate or anger, but you do turn away from some people and just ignore their presence. Your rationale, usually, is that you have plenty of people to whom you do relate in loving ways… and you do have limits. That is both true and not true. With the love I offer you, you have an “everflowing wellspring,” and there truly is no limit. Remember this and act as if it were so… which it is.

My servant Raymond’s statement about love, as part of near death experiences left an impression. Those who have had this experience tend to say that as I, in whatever form is most acceptable to the experiencer, am Light and I am Love, and there really is no difference. As Holy Spirit I have been described as wind (or breath), as fire (which gives warmth), and as a dove (the symbol of peace). In these near-transition experiences I come as light or that which is necessary for conscious discernment. Without disparaging blind persons I say that light is necessary for the fullness of functioning. You couldn’t have done some of what you did early this morning without some light, even that of a flashlight. Now the sun shines brightly into this room, and no artificial light is necessary for this Teaching.

So I am Light, and I also am Love, and one cannot be differentiated from the other. You see that where there is light there usually also are shadows. The fullness of love that is My nature is hard to maintain, without the equivalent of shadows. You cannot look directly into the sun, the source of light for your present. Experiencing high beam headlights at night can also be uncomfortable, even painful. So I do realize your limitations, but I also encourage you not to concentrate on these or exaggerate them. You can love more than you do, not only without harm, but with unexpected benefits.

Light makes life more functional and more enjoyable. And yet you can appreciate a dark night when the light of distant stars is more visible… the small lights can be appreciated. As a human with a soul that still needs more growth and development you cannot love constantly and fully. When you finally can do this, without effort, you shall willingly come back as a part of Me.

WED., FEB. 8, 1995, 8:34 AM

The fruits of the spirit, and the first one is love. Love is My fundamental nature, as God, as Christ, and as Holy Spirit. It is all that I am, and I am a lot more – both/and. There is much reporting of hate, strife, conflict, and harm, but I tell you, from My “vantage point” love still dominates, even as it is expressed in many cultural ways.

Barbara’s point this morning was an interesting one – that she has learned about and to love through conflicts in her work . . .

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