Love, The Builder

WED., NOV. 25, 1982, 5:56 AM

Hear, o son, some words that may be of value to My servant Becky. I am not overlooking the fact that it is Thanksgiving Day, for you will see (as you should, already) that love and thanksgiving are eternally interrelated.

Love is the most powerful energy of the universe. It cannot be measured, but it is a rare human who would flatly deny that it exists. It has various powers. The one I shall focus on today is the power to build.

In the solitary individual, building is always a potential. The self that develops in each earth life is, in some ways, built on the ultimate self, the soul. In other ways that which is built during a lifetime is new and unique. If this old farmhouse should catch fire and burn to the ground you would rebuild, and though you might rebuild on the same site, with some of the same foundation, the structure would look quite different. The building would have a different structural form.

Still, the materials would show some continuity. Love is the spiritual “material” that is part of the building of each individual. The most lasting building occurs when the individual is nurtured by parents and other family who feel and generate love… and can also express such love. The amazing happening then is that the new individual begins to respond to love by generating love in his own young self. It usually involves reciprocal love for parents. It can be love for a sibling (as evidenced in both Rivanna and Nessa). Importantly, the love should include love for self… for as Jesus I said that you shall love your neighbor as yourself. You just cannot love others much beyond the quality of love you have for yourself.

As the person grows and develops love is an essential ingredient in that building process. This is not always expressed… or even appreciated… but love is a fundamental energy in any human building “project”. Those who grow up without love usually are limited in the self that can be built, and, unhappily, in that which they can offer to others. Yet the power of love which has been generated before a particular earth incarnation can sometimes be miraculous. Some children are offered very little and very low quality love, and yet they can generate love from within and from “farther out” and can overcome the lack that is part of their earth life experience. Others, of course, who have not built well before may be pretty much limited to what others provide. This can be tragic in any observable life, but it is part of the total growth scheme that is Mine. To her who has shall more be given, and from him who has little, even that can be taken away.

Love also builds relationships. The special love relationship between a man and a woman is the basis for marriage. From the love of marriage comes the love of family. This is a fundamental love relationship.

Love builds other relationships. As I have told you before, love is not something to be rationed and withheld. This even applies to Me. Some would interpret Scripture to urge that you love Me rather than others… or things of the earth. What I say to you is that as you genuinely love others, and even dogs, music, places… your love for Me can also be growing.

WED., NOV. 25, 1982, 5:56 AM

Hear, o son, some words that may be of value to My servant Becky. I am not overlooking the fact that it is Thanksgiving Day, for you will see (as you should, already) that love and thanksgiving are eternally interrelated.

Love is the most powerful energy of the universe. It cannot be measured, but it is a rare human who would flatly deny that it exists. It has various powers. The one I shall focus on today is the power to build.

In the solitary individual, building is always . . .

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