Love, The Healer

SUN., NOV. 28, 1982, 5:47 AM

You come, o son, for another Teaching on this most important of topics. Health is important, and the promotion of this quality is your professional field. But what is health for? In order that one might produce well, you might say. In an earthly sense this has a certain importance… yet it is over-shadowed by a more fundamental need. With good health one can love more fully, more extensively, more deeply. And hear of the reciprocal nature of this aspect of spirit… as you love more you become healthier, and as you are healthier you can love more. And so it progresses until you reach the condition of enlightenment, and then love is truly what you are. You have had feelings of this, but you also realize you are rather far from such a state. (Realizing this and acknowledging it, of course, is one of My means by which you move closer. Strange, but true.)

So I taught you, last time, that love is the builder. Now I affirm that love is the healer. The human condition, in this plane called the earth, contains a rhythm of health and ill-health. Disease, sickness, anomie, war, disability… all of these cycle in and out of the lives of individuals, families, and nations. The reciprocal of war is peace, of anomie is enlivened, energized purpose in life, of disability is full functioning, of sickness and disease is health. The healing process is what brings about the change, and the healing process is fueled by love.

The essence of My nature is love, and I am everpresent as any healing process proceeds. You spoke last night of the physician who died of cancer, and there was a contrast made with another who was healed. Why do some die and some experience healing? Some bodies have more capacity to produce strong, functioning cells that simply overcome those that would take life. There are unexplainable differences in the basic human organism. The other more important reasons, from My perspective, is love.

It is an endless, infinite combination of giving and receiving love. I offer love, but it is effective only to the extent that the sufferer can and does receive it, and feel it in the receiving. Likewise with others. To what extent do other humans give love to the one who needs healing, and how willing and able is she to receive it? Even animals and physical environments can give forth a form of love, but it must be received before it becomes part of the healing process.

Remember also what I have told you before: healing is best when the one afflicted is giving forth love to others rather than being solely the recipient. For the nature of love is reciprocal. As you receive you can love more. As you love more, you are open to more loving “coming in”.

There are, however, deterrents to love, just as there are to health. When healing is successful health returns, but is immediately subject to challenge from the forces of disease, deterioration, and death. (And these are part of the earth plane that I created. They in themselves are not the best of My creations, but they are important to the way this plane works.)

SUN., NOV. 28, 1982, 5:47 AM

You come, o son, for another Teaching on this most important of topics. Health is important, and the promotion of this quality is your professional field. But what is health for? In order that one might produce well, you might say. In an earthly sense this has a certain importance… yet it is over-shadowed by a more fundamental need. With good health one can love more fully, more extensively, more deeply. And hear of the reciprocal nature of this aspect of spirit… as you love more you become . . .

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