Love, Yet Again

SAT., SEPT. 29, 1984, 5:23 AM

Hear, o son, as I speak. Your reluctance to be here is evident, and your inattention to this opportunity is clear to Me. Yet again, your discipline and My prodding prevail, and you shall receive a worthwhile Teaching. It is the first time you have started in the dark since last Spring, but it shall soon be necessary to do this, as the light of day diminishes.

Because you have received such fine feedback on your last Ruminations, dealing with love… My thoughts and yours… it is important that I offer you an “update”, which you may want to share with some who have written. As you suspect, My observations on love just have no end. Love is certainly one of My best subjects, for it is the essence of the vital energy that I am.

First, I’ll say that these designations of “kinds of love”, which Barbara sent you, have some value, but in the relations of life they blend and merge continually. The best analogy, for you, is your concept of perspectives on death. Despite the fact that you describe each in a distinct way, and try to emphasize that each is a separate and viable perspective on this important life event, most respondents to your presentations indicate that they have some mixture of these, even of all that you describe. And, for many, the balance will shift and change with different situations and different circumstances of death.

So it is with love. It is a rare circumstance in which you feel and display only one “type” of love. You can describe each in ways that seem to make it distinct, but in the ongoing panorama of life they become mixed and intertwined, partly because you are an imperfect human instead of a god and partly because My love is also somewhat of a mix.

I’ll repeat that it’s perfectly all right to love disparate “things”… your wife, your grandchildren, your students, your dogs, your Farm, your campus, even the look of trees against the blue sky. You needn’t try to make distinctions and gradations about these loves. Simply feel them, express them, and know that each is an aspect of your being that is most real. One evidence of growth in spirit is more love… felt and expressed… in more aspects of your life.

You love your work and you described the positive aspect of it adequately last evening, but you could have added that you truly love this that you are privileged to “do”, and be paid for, in this life. If more people expressed this spiritual relationship – love – with what they do and where they are, this would be an encouragement for more to generate, recognize, and acknowledge such feelings, and the earth would be a happier place, thereby.

I shall also emphasize again the importance of letters as an evidence of and a stimulus to love. I realize, as you do, the frustration in not responding to letters that express real love. Of course your days are full, and, yes, you need some relaxation, but you know that you waste and fritter away much time that could go to love-giving letter writing. I now urge you to a goal of one letter a day, of some length, to someone. Be systematic or just responsive… or both. For My sake, however, don’t do it as an “assignment”. Simply feel it as a love opportunity.

SAT., SEPT. 29, 1984, 5:23 AM

Hear, o son, as I speak. Your reluctance to be here is evident, and your inattention to this opportunity is clear to Me. Yet again, your discipline and My prodding prevail, and you shall receive a worthwhile Teaching. It is the first time you have started in the dark since last Spring, but it shall soon be necessary to do this, as the light of day diminishes.

Because you have received such fine feedback on your last Ruminations, dealing with love… My thoughts and yours… it is important that I offer . . .

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