Love… Yet Again

FRI., OCT. 5, 1990, 6:06 AM

You know My style in repeating and revisiting the important themes that I have offered you. Well, this is one of those mornings, for I shall speak to you of that greatest evidence of spirit, which is love. Scholars have categorized love in a number of ways, and these analyses have value. Yet, fundamentally, love is what life is all about. Everything you do or say finally abets or contradicts love.

All right, I’ll deal with an obvious question right off. How can My messages to Ezekiel, that he is to proclaim to the people, be seen as love? I know My answer may not seem satisfactory, but it is truth. All that I do and say is evidence of love. It is more obvious when I am merciful than when I am being just, certainly. When I offer love, in ways that will be of benefit to a person or a people, and that love is rejected, My love then continues, but in forms that appear to be punishment. I realize that many do not respond well to love that comes as punishment, but I see the value that can come from it, and it continues to be one of My ways.

The meeting yesterday was about apparent injustice in funding for your College. There was little evidence of the love of teaching, of research, of writing. Instead there was the implication that if the funding dropped the activity of the faculty would inevitably follow. It would have seem pollyannaish to speak about the love for your work as the true motivator, but I call that truth. Sometimes it is necessary to fight for your rights, and your Dean is doing that. But I want you to affirm that you are in this profession because you love it – the interactions with students, with ideas and concepts, and with colleagues. This is not sentimentality, but an important fact of life.

Let’s go back to fundamentals. Life itself was created out of love. Because I, as the Creator God, am the essence of love, My motivation for creation was and is love. Humans are My highest creation, with the greatest capacity to love. When love is evident humans are wonderful as a creation. But I have given minds as well as spirits and the possibility of being selfish, mean, and destructive. Humans thus can think and act in ways that deny or counter love.

Still, love cannot be conquered. As long as the earth is My domain there will always be a resurgence of love. Put My threats that come through Ezekiel in proper context. The descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were not finally destroyed, and they continue, in faith, to this day. There is still animosity with the other descendants of Abraham, but the Jewish tradition of love for Me and for our history and covenant survives. Out of this came the Christ, the Messiah. This is an even better way of experiencing love, and you are part of this heritage.

In your culture it is not wise to speak too fully and pointedly of love. For you to say that you love what you do and that you’d do it for even less pay would not be wise. It would be appreciated by a few for its truth, however. And you would know that this is truth.

I have told you repeatedly that I shall provide for your needs. In response to this I expect love, in many forms. If I provide less, take it to mean that you need less. I see much love evidenced by some people in poor circumstances and much less from some folk who have been blessed with much in the way of earth treasure.

Reflect the love I offer you back on to others. Have little concern for these matters that have no true consequence. Cherish the opportunities you have to love people, circumstances, events, and life itself. Know that the “natural” way of living life is an experience in love. All other ways of living are cultural distortions, small to great, of this preferred way.

FRI., OCT. 5, 1990, 6:06 AM

You know My style in repeating and revisiting the important themes that I have offered you. Well, this is one of those mornings, for I shall speak to you of that greatest evidence of spirit, which is love. Scholars have categorized love in a number of ways, and these analyses have value. Yet, fundamentally, love is what life is all about. Everything you do or say finally abets or contradicts love.

All right, I’ll deal with an obvious question right off. How can My messages to Ezekiel, that he is . . .

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