Loving As Living

THURS., APR. 5, 1984, 6:34 AM

In spiritual terms, loving is the essence of living, o son. It is not an appendage or an adjunct, but life itself. One person can love very little… and be barely alive. Another can love much and often… and be fully and vibrantly alive. From whence, then, does this love that is the life force, arise.

Most basically, love comes from being in relationship with Me, the ultimate Source. I am like the sun in providing constant energy to the earth… I radiate love from without, and I generate love from within. The difference is that I am not limited to a constant amount. My capacity is infinite, and so, eventually, shall yours be.

You must know, however, that the mind can be a limiting force, when it, with the power of reason, judges another to be unloveable. There are reasons for not loving virtually everyone, and powerful reasons can be brought to bear on some in particular. A developed spirit protests, and My Spirit protests. The way to reduce unloveable qualities in another is through unconditional love, not through withholding this essence of life. For when you withhold love you limit the life force.

It is not possible to preach too many sermons on love, nor can you receive too many Teachings on love. For while love is plentiful, it is not generalized. As My servant Walt said, it is not something sprayed out, as from a firehose, but is incredibly unique as it is manifested to different individuals, in different circumstances.

Some life situations are repetitive, and likewise some love is felt and displayed and “given” in familiar, repeated “doses”. Some is constant; some varies. In some situations love just flows, even gushes, almost involuntarily. Yes, you, as an individual, can “regulate” love, but as you are in Me and accept Me as an integral part of you, then you have less control and loving becomes more “what you are”. For, in contrast to the familiar, repetitive life situations, there are those that are surprising, unique, clearly unexpected, and in these love also emanates in unique, often indescribable ways. (I shall not try to describe the indescribable.)

Now just as love between you and Me is reciprocal, so it is between Me and many others, and the exchanges among humans are virtually infinite. Thus you may find it difficult to feel and manifest love toward some person in some situation. In addition to My help you can experience love from others that shall increase your desire and capacity to love him who seems unloveable. This is the wonderful economy of love! If you don’t have it you can receive it from others and lo, it now shall be yours to give.

For, you see, love is not better when it is “yours alone”… exclusively yours. It is best when it represents the amalgam of love you feel for others (and as you love much your capacities are continuously increased) with the love you receive from others. In addition, there is the love you feel for animals, the earth and its many manifestations… trees, sky, water. Yes, the love for a place can enhance love for persons. Loving your dog and receiving his love can increase your capacities to love others… even to love Me.

I am the love force and also the creative force. Everything created can be loved, and has some capacity to give forth love. Human persons, of course, have the greatest capacities for giving and receiving love, but also capacities to withhold love, through anger, hate, jealousy, envy, and indifference.

THURS., APR. 5, 1984, 6:34 AM

In spiritual terms, loving is the essence of living, o son. It is not an appendage or an adjunct, but life itself. One person can love very little… and be barely alive. Another can love much and often… and be fully and vibrantly alive. From whence, then, does this love that is the life force, arise.

Most basically, love comes from being in relationship with Me, the ultimate Source. I am like the sun in providing constant energy to the earth… I radiate love from without, and I generate love from . . .

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