Loving As Spirit

WED., APR. 25, 1984, 5:32 AM

You have been away for some time, o son, and though the reasons have been legitimate I just must remind you that you need this time with Me… and your life is just not as good when you are not in communication at least three mornings a week. You needn’t “make up” the ones missed now, but when your traveling times come you shall be so motivated.

I say this in love, for as you know, theologically, God IS love, and I am that aspect of the Father God who communicates directly and plainly with you. Therefore I, too, AM love, and love is the most fundamental quality of spirit. You have an important presentation coming up next week, and you must stress strongly that the most important manifestation of spirit is loving, and that it is in loving that spirit grows and develops. The person of highly developed spirit is she who can love with the most quality, and it is in loving that spirit grows most fully and assuredly.

Love for Me is an important ingredient. It is difficult for Me to say this readily, for I am aware that self aggrandizement is not a characteristic of spirit (or of Spirit), so to say that “you must love Me” sounds self centered and prideful. I know that I, as Jesus, put the necessity to love as a Commandment, so I must again explain that this means it is profoundly essential, but must come willingly from your spirit. You must willingly love Me… the communicating Holy Spirit, Jesus the Christ who is not so direct with you, and God Almighty, the omnipotent, omniscient Yahweh, the most powerful Force in the universe and beyond.

Yet it is also true that you should love who and what you can most easily first, and from that shall come more capacity to love Me. The principle holds and should be told: it is in loving that your spirit grows and your capacity for loving increases… even if that love is for your Farm, your dogs, or a sleeping grandchild. Be aware of that love. Appreciate the feeling of that love. And, like unto biofeedback, become more aware of how loving feels so that you can generate it even when the inherent feeling isn’t as strong as “it should be”.

It is in loving that you are most alive. Some people have the experience of dying in body when they are quite alive in spirit. This is often surprising, but positively so. Since most other realms are more love-oriented than the earth the transition is much easier when you come across loving.

You love most of what you do, even when it presses upon you. You do love the task of doing Ruminations, but here you find that the goal We set together shall not be met in this year. It is important that this relative failure not diminish your love for this important task nor for Me, who set it in motion. Just be sure you start the letter this month, a symbolic commencement, and that you finish it and have it ready for mailing before you travel West.

WED., APR. 25, 1984, 5:32 AM

You have been away for some time, o son, and though the reasons have been legitimate I just must remind you that you need this time with Me… and your life is just not as good when you are not in communication at least three mornings a week. You needn’t “make up” the ones missed now, but when your traveling times come you shall be so motivated.

I say this in love, for as you know, theologically, God IS love, and I am that aspect of the Father God who . . .

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