Mabel And You

FRI., JULY 8, 1983, 5:47 AM

An opportunity to share some of these Teachings certainly does increase your feeling for their importance and does motivate you to hear My early morning call and spend this first hour of your day with Me, o son. So, I do call you to hear of spiritual matters and to encourage you to write to Mabel and continue this relationship on a more active basis, even though it cannot be a most agreeable one.

You would like to have a closer, more agreeable walk with your mother-in-law, but I have led you along another path, which makes it difficult for her to accept you and this walk We have together. I have told you that her experiences with Me are real and valid, and that I need some like her who shall be zealots for the power and truth of the Holy Scriptures. She must continue with this conviction, and yet I want you two to be in relationship. You are a test for her, and she is a test for you. This is one of life’s spiritual challenges, and I do not want you to avoid or ignore it. I shall not tell you where it shall lead… except to growth and a fuller realization of My unique powers.

I, the Holy Spirit, serve as your guide in this portion of your life. You did not ask for this any more than most Christians who seek the Lord’s help with ordinary and extraordinary life matters, asking but not truly expecting direct intervention. You know now, surely though dimly, that I have guided you in other portions of your life, though I have not molded you directly.

My servant Paul helped you to born-again status. (Accept this as the power of the letter, written with My assistance. Continue with your own writing in this form, with faith that I can use these in some ways like unto those of Paul.) I did not mold and shape his life in its early portions. I knew him, of course, and watched his growth and development. He was far from a perfect paragon of My human creation, but I knew I could use him for My purposes. I did not give him an exactly free choice on the road to Damascus… and so he accepted My rather compelling invitation.

Paul did not have an ideal relationship with women, and his basic view of women was not a healthy one, from the perspective of your society today. Yet as Paul began to preach and to organize churches, many of the most ardent respondents to the message of salvation were women. This was a challenge for him that he did not like, initially. But it was an important growing experience for him.

Yes, you are born-again… born to a realization of Me and of My influence in your life and in the life of the earth that is not a natural progression from your early upbringing. Your “born-againness” is as real and true as Paul’s or Mabel’s or any who have had a memorable, flashing conversion. You have little difficulty accepting this, though you are still a bit reluctant to “tell it abroad”. Just know that I affirm it.

FRI., JULY 8, 1983, 5:47 AM

An opportunity to share some of these Teachings certainly does increase your feeling for their importance and does motivate you to hear My early morning call and spend this first hour of your day with Me, o son. So, I do call you to hear of spiritual matters and to encourage you to write to Mabel and continue this relationship on a more active basis, even though it cannot be a most agreeable one.

You would like to have a closer, more agreeable walk with your mother-in-law, but I . . .

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