Many Experiences

WED., DEC. 24, 1986, 3:41 PM

Yes, o son, this is a time of many experiences. It is Christmas Eve, but like none other that you remember. An island place, a variety of people, and weather that shifts and changes… and yet here you come, and here am I. I observe. I give you counsel, if you seek words from Me. Spend little time in devaluating experiences. Take what is good and helpful, and give little heed to the rest.

One kind of experience is with people who carp and complain about conditions. The overriding fact is that earth life is such a valuable experience, in so many ways, that it is quite foolish to spend energies in dissatisfaction. There are many positive ways to improve any situation, and the starting place is with yourself. If you are the friendliest, most helpful, most complimentary person you can be, many situations improve vastly, as if “by magic.” Know also that if you are to help another with this, you must seek to establish a trusting, liking relationship. Otherwise any suggestions seem like the same kind of carping, only for a different purpose.

The experience of singing for the group was one you enjoyed and did fairly well. This makes you an experience these others have had, and so you are now a somewhat “different” person than you were before. Some reacted to the slightly naughty song, while others more quietly listened to the Christmas story in a calypso form, and appreciated it yet anew. Some liked to join in the singing of a familiar ballad. You shall never know the variety of experiences you triggered. I continue to urge you to use this means of presenting a lesson or a point. You are not exceptional, but you are unique, and you are above average. Be satisfied with this and use it. I am in favor of it.

The experience of a quiet, unhurried, unpressured time before this holiday is a rather unique one. You have made time in each day thus far for this time of meditation, and you have read My servant Bill’s writings through, finally. You have taken time to lie in the sun, to exercise, and to appreciate the beauty of this place. I shall comment at some other time on the service this evening, but I call this a nice addition to this unscheduled time. It is important to remember and celebrate Christmas, even if the form is a variation of the usual.

You always have known that there is something “special” about Bill Davis. In My descriptions of servants of Mine, committed to Me, you and he are much alike. Neither of you is outstanding, but you both are above average, and you both do well what you do, even as you would like to be better. Before you return to the rush of other matters, communicate with him and share some of what I have taught you. Comment on some of his writings, and, yes, do seek to be on the mailing list for his “outlook.” You obviously differ in some ways from one another, and this is as it should be. You are on different paths, but you’re heading back toward Me, and you can interest one another along the way. Be influenced by him, and offer him the chance to be influenced by you.

You have seen the destruction of fruit-giving trees, realizing that the weak give way to the strong and to the young and potentially strong. Some do not adapt to the conditions of life, and they become part of the compost for continued growth. There is no need to be this unfeeling in relation to human life, and yet I said, and say again, “to him who hath shall more be given, and from her who has insufficient, even that shall be taken away.” If you don’t produce, you should be cut down. And when I say produce, I mean show awareness and appreciation of My role in every experience of life, and do continuously out of love and appreciation for this relationship. One of your “productions” must be writing (and Bill’s likewise), so use this talent and gift I have helped you develop.

WED., DEC. 24, 1986, 3:41 PM

Yes, o son, this is a time of many experiences. It is Christmas Eve, but like none other that you remember. An island place, a variety of people, and weather that shifts and changes… and yet here you come, and here am I. I observe. I give you counsel, if you seek words from Me. Spend little time in devaluating experiences. Take what is good and helpful, and give little heed to the rest.

One kind of experience is with people who carp and complain about conditions. The overriding fact . . .

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