Many Mansions

WED., MAR. 24, 1999, 8:43 AM

This, o son, is just another way of expressing the diversity in life that I have created… have preferred…and do love. It is quite obvious that there is quite a diversity in ways humans see the earth, other humans, and Me. Rather than implying that I am an inept Creator, it says that I am, rather, a risk-taking Creator and Sustainer.

“In My Father’s house are many mansions”… has been, for many years, an intriguing Scripture for you. Some translations, modern, substitute the word “rooms” for “mansions”… and this is actually more accurate – having rooms in a house rather than mansions therein. On the other hand, mansions implies size and elegance, more so than does “rooms.”

Now let’s think about this: if all the humans who have ever lived (one lifetime) are in these mansions, they would need to be huge, given the perspectives of earth. Then what about souls who have not incarnated… do they “take up space.” Or, as I tell you, making you certainly a non-traditional Christian, these mansions are, in one respect, “recycling centers,” with souls coming in and others going out. It’s quite complex and hard for you to grasp now, but as you return it will all be quite familiar.

Some mansions are rather homogenous by age – like children, youth, middle-age, and elderly. Some are segregated by gender, others by perceptions of Me and the spirit world. Then there are some with some, to much, diversity. You see, it may be important for the spirit in a soul, now released from an earthly body, to be with others, quite like them, in some respects. Or, it may be more important to experience some diversity in mansions.

This has some likeness to your ventures, now years ago, of being with some church congregations that were different from yours, in some obvious ways. You weren’t looking for a new “home” but did want to have a more accurate “picture” of how some alternatives to Presbyterian were alike and different. You have had, since then, enough experience in “free-wheeling”, spirit-moved Pentecostal services, as well as Catholic, Orthodox, and Anglican services to know that neither of these extremes are appealing to you.

Neither are you attracted to Jewish or Moslem worship practices. You respect these, but are not “comfortable” or “turned on” in or by them. You have respect for Hinduism, Buddhism, and other Eastern ways of coming to Me, but you would not be comfortable trying to “be one of them.”

Actually, as you well know, I call you a “Presbyterian mystic,” and, as you might suspect, the “mansion” for other humans like you is not very “large” nor “well-populated.” You have had experiences in several mansions, some “on your own” and some with My direction. At the end of an earth life you and I jointly evaluate the life just completed and then decide whether what is needed next is reinforcement of some familiar “ways” or some variety in earth experiences… or in “other mansions.”

You are outside of time, of course, so “How long does this take?” is a non-question. (At this time in your life you need to try to practice some “timelessness” – living, at least, without watch, clock, or calendar. You’ll not be very good at this here, but it would help in smoothing the transition, whenever it comes.)

Yes, there are “mansions” for all ways of coming to Me… as well as all ways of rejecting Me, forcefully or just barely. Who “governs” all of this? Well, I do, or it is self-governing. The spirit in new souls need much more help and direction than older, more “experienced” souls.

WED., MAR. 24, 1999, 8:43 AM

This, o son, is just another way of expressing the diversity in life that I have created… have preferred…and do love. It is quite obvious that there is quite a diversity in ways humans see the earth, other humans, and Me. Rather than implying that I am an inept Creator, it says that I am, rather, a risk-taking Creator and Sustainer.

“In My Father’s house are many mansions”… has been, for many years, an intriguing Scripture for you. Some translations, modern, substitute the word “rooms” for “mansions”… and . . .

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