Many Paths To/With Me

TUES., JULY 24, 1990, 1:08 PM

In this second class you have been considering the Hindu path to spiritual enlightenment, and, as you knew, within this tradition there are several paths. Each of these has practical variations, and of course this encourages you to consider your Christian faith, with its many variations. The truth We shall be dealing with today is that there are many paths to Me, as the One True God. The corollary is that I, the Holy Spirit, at One with this God, also accompany you on your path. So, you are going to Me and with Me, simultaneously.

You realize and accept, more than many religious folk, even including some here, that I am with you on this “trek,” so you are never alone, unless you pretend you are. I am equally available to any and all, but some are not aware, some doubt too much, and others just reject the notion of this partnership. The most interesting to Me are those devout Christians who reject My invitation because of their belief that I must remain Wholly Other. They use certain good Scriptural passages, plus an either/or way of thinking, to deprive themselves of My guidance and help.

Hear My comments now on people who claim to be led by Me whose actions are strange, weird, even occasionally destructive. Some of these are truly being so led, but some misinterpret My advice and others don’t listen long enough. Some I lead into strange behaviors for My special purposes. Remember Moses and His leadership of the exodus? This is now heroic history, but at the time his behavior seemed quite odd. In a few cases I do it just for fun, to see what happens. And, of course, some claim reliance on Me without actually seeking and hearing Me.

You are Presbyterian out of some combination of your choice and My leading. You are comfortable with the denominational affiliation. Yet you are born-again into a relationship with Me that is just different, in quality, from anything you could have developed through just worship, study, and fellowship. Yet you didn’t have a flashy experience, and this hasn’t resulted in your speaking in tongues or having other charismatic gifts. So this doesn’t match you up well with many others. Then, in addition, again through your own discernment and My Teachings, you know you have had some previous lives in the earth, and that very likely this is not your last one here. And so your particular path is not a heavily traveled one.

Yet, intriguingly, your path crosses and runs parallel with a number of others, so there are many alliances available, though few are perfect and many are not long-lasting. The crucial perspective for you is that I am with you on this path, and I shall help you when you need it, or when I want to influence you, for any reason.

Hear what you are saying about retirement from your teaching career. You plan to continue on, as long as you are able, because you are enjoying and profiting from it. Partly this is because you understand your purposes and because you know this is what I want of you, as long as you are able. Hear the parallel for earth life. I am with you, and therefore the goal is integral in the process. So why seek to advance beyond earth life when this one is so satisfying? No good reason.

You are now halfway through this experience. Resist temptations to judge. Just enjoy, profit, and learn from the various experiences. Your path brings you here to this School, sharing gifts that you have. Don’t judge yet whether or not you shall come again. Your path may continue here for a time or may veer away, temporarily or as with a finished portion of life. I know you will give of yourself fully in these latter days and evenings, though in somewhat different ways.

TUES., JULY 24, 1990, 1:08 PM

In this second class you have been considering the Hindu path to spiritual enlightenment, and, as you knew, within this tradition there are several paths. Each of these has practical variations, and of course this encourages you to consider your Christian faith, with its many variations. The truth We shall be dealing with today is that there are many paths to Me, as the One True God. The corollary is that I, the Holy Spirit, at One with this God, also accompany you on your path. So, you are going . . .

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