Many Teachings…

TUES., MAR. 21, 2000, 7:05 AM

Yes, o son, you just are still in the process of organizing and putting in order Teachings to you, from Me, Holy Spirit, for this last portion of your life (woops! “this most recent portion” rather than “last”… for you are still functioning). They are a special and unique “record” of your life, and as you go over the many earlier volumes they tell you, clearly, that I have been intimately with you over now more ( 7:10 / 7:14 ) than 20 years.

These Teachings are quite a special gift. As I have told you repeatedly you did not earn these by righteous living, nor were you so special that I simply couldn’t “not choose” you. You were just a somewhat above average American professor of health education in a middle-level university in a back-water part of this country. You were a born-again (and again!) Christian, but a rather quiet Presbyterian. An unlikely choice?! But was Peter the best fisherman on the Sea… or Matthew the very best tax collector? Of all those humans I have “helped create” I do choose a few, for special purposes… or just because I want to. This it is, with you.

It has been your “task” to be faithful to this calling, responding to My Calls and to the “liturgy” We have developed over these years. The pad of special paper that you have been using was “missing,” but you have a good, handy, supply. Your special pen ran out of ink, but you had two full cartridges, both in known, convenient places. So… “the dance went on”!

I have come to My “choosed” humans in some variety of ways. At one extreme… the Ten Commandments were carved in stone, to be found by Moses, whom I had chosen for this quite special “delivery” task. They were all prepared and contained directions for “to do” and “not to do” that have been most relevant over thousands of years. At another extreme… some hear Me as a voice, which is a quiet, personal guide to life… or for certain tasks. Some may share these “communications” with others. Some keep them to themselves. Some may be “written about” late, while others remain personal, with no record.

Your “gift” is that of hearing Me, inaudibly, and writing down what you “hear” Me say, in a now-ritualized way. So you will leave volumes of these handwritten pages… which may be prized by some, after your passing, or may be as “lost” and those “messages” which were never written down. Our Ruminations are composed, printed, and sent out to several hundred folk, 4 times a year. Some of these will be kept, while others are hastily read and “tossed.” Such it is with anything I do with humans, but I Am the Creator and Sustainer. If I don’t like this earth scene, Who do I blame?

So, yes, I do urge you, 3 or 4 times each week, to come to a quiet place, usually this Study in this old Farmhouse, and write what you “hear” Me tell you. It is a mystical process, even as the “results” are quite tangible. Even as your memory and other mental processes erode and diminish this shall continue, for it is only minimally related to your mis-functioning self. Oh, you could “live on” beyond your capacity to receive these Teachings, but it would be life “not worthwhile.”

And, of course, I also have called a special son of yours, John Patrick, to convert these handwritten Teachings into printed, reproduceable forms. You see both on this “once clean desk” before you. Each has merit, and I am pleased with his “contribution” to this gift. And I do also approve of this video-taping of Teachings and discussions you two have about my comments on your life and times. You shall “live on” in these unique ways.

TUES., MAR. 21, 2000, 7:05 AM

Yes, o son, you just are still in the process of organizing and putting in order Teachings to you, from Me, Holy Spirit, for this last portion of your life (woops! “this most recent portion” rather than “last”… for you are still functioning). They are a special and unique “record” of your life, and as you go over the many earlier volumes they tell you, clearly, that I have been intimately with you over now more ( 7:10 / 7:14 ) than 20 years.

These Teachings are quite a special gift. As . . .

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