Mark’s Gospel

TUES., SEP. 16, 1997, 12:34 PM

Your group, tomorrow morning, will embark upon a study of the Gospel, according to Mark. As your big blue book says, Mark was not a disciple and had limited contact with Me, as Jesus. However, he became quite devoted, and I, the Holy Spirit, led him in his interpretation of My life, as Jesus.

You are impressed, in re-reading these first chapters, with the healings that I did, with the crowds these brought, and with My relationship with demons. I had great powers, for during the time that I was the human, Jesus of Nazareth, I also was God Almighty and Holy Spirit. Mostly I kept that power in check, for I could have done much more in the way of miracles, and “much more” would have made Me “unreal”. For, as you see, even these miracles of healing… functional miracles to help people live more fully… were beginning to anger the Jewish leaders. And I was just beginning My ministry.

Like any “human celebrity” I both wanted crowds and tried to avoid crowds. I really preferred to relate to people individually, rather than as part of the crowd. Yet I knew that crowds would come to witness miracles… AND to see demons “sent packing”.

OK, what about demons? Your cultures modern psychiatry has not accepted demons as causes of mental illness, while evangelical leaders and even a few special priests still exorcise demons from troubled people today. Demons are spirits that seem to work against Me, but, remember, I am, finally, totally in charge of this earth scene, so nothing happens without My at least tacit approval. Remember also that I can see consequences much more clearly than any of you. I have hindsight, present-sight, and foresight.

Books detailing history are helpful, but no historian can “recall” the past as I can, nor can scholars, even together, interpret what happened with the completeness that is only Mine to have.

Mark’s Gospel sets up competitions – My spirit vs. Satan’s… Me vs. demons… Jewish leaders vs. Me. These were truly mayas, but they seemed quite real. You will note that the demons knew who I really was, and were quite willing to “broadcast” this, but I told them No. Why? Because I needed the competition, I needed, finally, to be crucified, giving My life for your salvation. Yes, it was a strange way, but I can’t change it now.

You noticed that I defended Myself against the accusation that I was satan because the demons seemed to accept and obey Me… by saying that satan wouldn’t work against his own “house”… that a house divided against itself will fall. You think of your government, as an example of democratic principles, which is quite divided, and this is seen as good… as strength. Those in one party oppose those in the other. Even factions within the one party war against each other.

The notion of a King (or a Queen) being solely in charge, without opposition (for such brings chaos and inaction) can be seen as the government that is best… and lasts. Yet now this is seen as tyrannical and, finally, oppressive. Is this the reason I don’t come back to earth, as most Scripture writers expected, to rule a Kingdom of God, on earth? Would there be immediate divisions, even among the faithful, as I see now? I won’t give you a definite answer, but you needn’t expect the perfect human response to “thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven” anytime soon.

TUES., SEP. 16, 1997, 12:34 PM

Your group, tomorrow morning, will embark upon a study of the Gospel, according to Mark. As your big blue book says, Mark was not a disciple and had limited contact with Me, as Jesus. However, he became quite devoted, and I, the Holy Spirit, led him in his interpretation of My life, as Jesus.

You are impressed, in re-reading these first chapters, with the healings that I did, with the crowds these brought, and with My relationship with demons. I had great powers, for during the time that I was . . .

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