Mark’s Gospel, II

WED., SEP. 24, 1997, 8:46 AM

Another morning breakfast discussion… and three more chapters of Mark’s account of My life, as Jesus. It seems to be quite a factual account, but of course it truly is more mystical, with no modern scientific reasons for the miracles descried. As Jesus, I had powers that transcended the laws of this earth plane, and, in this Gospel, certainly, I used such powers rather freely.

I liked your interpretation which questioned whether all of these miracles went counter to what I was supposed to learn, with satan in the wilderness: “you have great powers to rule, to change substances, and to keep yourself from harm, but don’t use these… often.” The counter-point was also a good one: who is giving you the power, God or satan? Probably the best lesson is that whatever you do, do for Me, and let Me determine the consequences.

(And I am not upset with your observation, also a conclusion, that the satan story is only symbolic, for any power that such a force has is given or allowed by Me. No matter what some Scriptures suggest I am the Supreme Power in the earth. Evil forces are only apparent, not truly real).

The main stream of your culture doesn’t give much credence to faith healers, even as some, in My Name, do seem to have some success in some healings. You note that, as Jesus, I did give a reason for some non-successes: there was not sufficient belief in His powers. This can be used today as a legitimate reason why the laying on of hands and fervent prayer doesn’t produce a healing. And scientific medicine doesn’t “require” faith or belief in order to be successful… though this still can be an important factor.

Of course there is a non-mystical explanation for the feeding of the 5,000 with 5 loaves and 2 fish. The blessing and sharing of this small amount of food could have encouraged the many who had brought along some food to share it, so that all were fed, and there was much left over. Yet it still must seem unlikely that so many were carrying, hidden, so much. So perhaps the admonition from the satan experience to resist the miracle of producing food was not upheld. Let’s call it a “mixed miracle”.

As Jesus I did abide by the refusal to be a powerful ruler. The Jews had the strong perception that their Messiah would be such a ruler, leading them to earthly power. Even Judas had such a hope. But when I stated that My Kingdom was not of this earth I was true to My temptation denial, but I then reduced My credibility as the true Messiah.

These Gospel stories clearly tell that I had powers over earthly constraints and powers over earthly death, itself. Thus, it seems clear that I did have the power to come down from the cross, alive and unharmed, which would have been quite a spectacular miracle. I resisted that temptation, but some hours after My death I did reappear, full of life but with more mystical powers. So, yes, the lesson is not one that is singularly clear.

There is a lesson for you, o son, in this account. I call you a low-level mystic, certainly not in My “class”, as Jesus. You have had no real confrontations or opposition to you as one who hears in this direct way from Me, Holy Spirit, but if you should, the lesson here is to not argue or assert, but just let such doubters remain “outside”. Kick their dust from your shoes. Is this a universal truth? No, but it has some application.

You hope I will do the small miracle you need now – tell you where your mailing list is. I’ll just say – keep praying… and then rejoice in the finding or sweat through the process of re-doing it. Each can be a spiritual experience as well as a learning one.

WED., SEP. 24, 1997, 8:46 AM

Another morning breakfast discussion… and three more chapters of Mark’s account of My life, as Jesus. It seems to be quite a factual account, but of course it truly is more mystical, with no modern scientific reasons for the miracles descried. As Jesus, I had powers that transcended the laws of this earth plane, and, in this Gospel, certainly, I used such powers rather freely.

I liked your interpretation which questioned whether all of these miracles went counter to what I was supposed to learn, with satan in the wilderness . . .

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