Matthew Is Turning

FRI., AUG. 20, 1993, 7:14 AM

After weeks of silence Matthew, your youngest son, with the good name, called… as you knew he finally would. It was a friendly call, as he expressed a willingness to go with Lenore to North Carolina and share the driving. He also announced to you, with some eagerness, that he is reading the Bible. From these descriptors comes My title for the morning – “Matthew is turning.”

This doesn’t mean that he has turned completely or that he has been born again. It does signify that he is making movement away from self-centeredness and toward a better balance in his life… even some movement toward Me. He knows this is a good turning, but it also is new and a touch frightening. He could be stopped in his turning by overreaction from you and Lenore.

As I have told you often, and over the years, that I have awaited and am awaiting Matthew’s turning toward Me. I also have told you, even more often, that I rarely change conditions dramatically, but I do exert an influence on some lives. I do choose, and I do exert My will. You knew, immediately after his phone call, that you would be hearing Me and writing this morning. Our wills work together fairly well in relation to these Teachings, but, finally, you could not have resisted this opportunity this morning.

I am usually patient and can wait. Sometimes those whom I call turn… and then stop or actually turn back. Some resist Me for a total earth life and then are truly embarrassed and sorry as they come on over and see how they wasted life in the earth.

You are well aware of My encounter, as the resurrected Christ, with Paul on the road to Damascus. Actually he was Saul at that time, but I need him as Paul. He was zealous in his “work” of persecuting Christians, and I needed both this man and his zealousness and the example of one suddenly and dramatically turning, completely, to Me. It was fun, and I still do this, with a few souls, in every age and culture.

Am I doing something this startling with Matthew? No, but I am reaching out to him more than I have before. I am “fishing” for him, but I am patient. He is not yet 30, the age at which I, as Jesus, turned from My workaday life and began the ministry I came to earth to do. So, naturally, I see 30 as a good age for turning.

In your culture Matthew has one big blessing and one fairly heavy curse. He has wealth, beyond what few Americans have and certainly more than even fewer his age. This has given him some stability, pleasure, and confidence. It also has been the source of grief in relations with some people and has made him turn away from possible relationships. Others want what he has, and some will go to rather great lengths to get some of it. Wealth is, and always has been, a mixed blessing, supreme.

Your fifth son is homosexual, which is not as bothersome to Me as many of My ardent followers think it should be. I do not approve of sexual promiscuity, of any variety, but I certainly do not value or devalue a person, an immortal soul, on something as mundane as sexual preference.

FRI., AUG. 20, 1993, 7:14 AM

After weeks of silence Matthew, your youngest son, with the good name, called… as you knew he finally would. It was a friendly call, as he expressed a willingness to go with Lenore to North Carolina and share the driving. He also announced to you, with some eagerness, that he is reading the Bible. From these descriptors comes My title for the morning – “Matthew is turning.”

This doesn’t mean that he has turned completely or that he has been born again. It does signify that he is making movement away . . .

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