Me And My World

MON., JULY 23, 1990, 4:45 AM

The conversation yesterday went well, with lots of participation. I liked the follow-up prayer in the Vesper service. My response will not be immediate and obvious. Change is coming, but you are about right in the speed of such a radical change. Most Christians will not be in the vanguard of change to a more sustainable society.

Hear now, o son, My comment on the brief flurry that arose early in that conversation. You were both right. The young minister was right in defending the faith against an erosion into pantheism. This has never been the threat that such servants make it out to be, but it is an orthodox position that I encourage some to defend. That defense is that God is not in the grass, in animals, in a table, because that would require worship of such tangible material. God is spirit and must be worshipped in spirit only. Being “in” then infers an association that the God Who is Other cannot have. Some big-time theologians have encouraged this, and I am not quite renouncing it.

I liked your response, though it could have been a bit more “substantive.” I have encouraged you to be little bothered by some recommended distinction about where I am. I, the Triune God, can be Wholly other and still a part of everything and everyone that I have created, directly or indirectly. You see, I, the Holy Spirit, have been “loosed” to be an active ally with your spirit, with the spirits of all other humans (though some do resist or do not notice). Further, spirit is a part of the creation process, but it varies in intensity.

Certain domestic animals, like your dogs (and remember Pooh Bear), evidence more spirit than some humans. Certain places have spirit inherently, and have that increased by spiritual happenings and the presence of spiritual people. Thus, I am more present in such places and objects than in others. A table that has only a crass secular use has virtually no spiritual quality. When the table referred to yesterday is part of a mathematics class it has less spiritual quality than when it was “part” of yesterday’s conversation. When I am “in the midst” of a group of Christians I tend to pervade the whole scene.

The Scriptures tell of holy places. These Scriptures are not negated by theology. There was something special about Mt. Sinai and about those tangible tablets I entrusted to Moses. They were not to be worshipped but were to be respected for the spirit that was evident in them.

Humans are My highest creation, and therefore have the most obvious spirit. The principle is: where spirit is there am I also. And where I am, thus is Christ and Almighty God. Do not be bothered by either/or thinking. I am apart, and I also am within. You are not God, and yet you are ultimately only spirit… and spirit is, finally, out of Me.

The table is ultimately energy, and when it is finally broken down into its elements these are freed to become part of other energy forms, even future clergy-persons. Energy is neither lost nor gained. I keep offering new and more spirit into the earth…also recycling what is already here.

You heard the invitation. Seek out the Rev. Burkley and hear him out further. Offer your insights, though you need not reveal the source. It could be today… or sometime this week. Be sure to review this Teaching so that you can reflect it accurately. You don’t do this confrontation task easily, but you should try this one. You were a means for My helping Christ last evening, and, yes, I am responsible for your volunteering to share My servant Mike’s homely message this evening.

MON., JULY 23, 1990, 4:45 AM

The conversation yesterday went well, with lots of participation. I liked the follow-up prayer in the Vesper service. My response will not be immediate and obvious. Change is coming, but you are about right in the speed of such a radical change. Most Christians will not be in the vanguard of change to a more sustainable society.

Hear now, o son, My comment on the brief flurry that arose early in that conversation. You were both right. The young minister was right in defending the faith against an erosion . . .

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