Medical Care

TUES., MAR. 3, 1992, 9:27 AM

All through these years that We have been in this direct communication I have offered you various thoughts about current, modern medical care. This truly is an area of life in which what you hear Me say cannot contradict Holy Scripture, for there just is nothing in those ancient Writings that relates to what is now available and practiced in your culture and others. Since you will be making a presentation on this subject in May you will need some additional insights. It would be well if you did this next Ruminations letter on this area of life. You haven’t done a really controversial one in awhile. This one could qualify.

I am not against medical care. I have actually helped in discoveries and innovations that have helped to restore health and prolong life. I am with a number of medical scientists and practitioners, some of whose lives are “divided” between faith and commitment to Me and the portrayal of self as a humanistic, naturalistic, objective medical professional. I do work along with medications and surgeries, and I do hear prayers for the success of medical treatment. I do not favor a “return” to times when death rates were high because there were many disease and infectious conditions for which there was no direct intervention. Humans are My finest creation, and My interactions with humans in the earth are generally quite satisfying. BUT…

BUT… as in some other aspects of human life these creations of Mine are turning good towards evil. Human life is precious… and it also is excessive. Thus, when medical care helps save lives and prolong the years of consumption this blessing seems more like a curse. I have told you that I have made no major decision as to how the human population’s growth can be stopped… even its numbers reduced. This is a future necessity, so I am not really alarmed when deaths occur, from various conditions. My olden servant Thomas identified war, pestilence, and famine as the natural “balancers.” These still apply, abetted by accidents involving machinery and, increasingly, inability to adapt to accumulated toxic wastes. You see, the industries and technologies that are responsible for your wonderfully functioning medical system are also responsible for the wastes that shall shorten lives.

These economic times should encourage your culture to consider the positive values of having less (and being able to pay for it), rather than yearning for the time when growth returns and production and consumption are continuously increasing. What you are hearing here at your University should also apply to medical care. In the future you will have to produce as much or more with less.

Medical institutions will have to consider the relative importance of helpful personnel and complex, expensive technology. It may well be discovered that as certain treatments are not done, the overall effects are not much different. The advantages of positive health care will become more evident, and life will continue, with much less expense.

A rather different perception of death will have to develop, one more in line with the legacy I left to humankind with My early death, as Jesus. The Preacher said, “There is a time to be born and a time to die.” Though there is some tinkering with the process your culture generally lets birth be “on its own time.” Birth is still mostly seen as a natural process, even as medicine is hyper-ready to turn it into a surgical procedure. Death should also be seen as an equally natural process, with human presence and pain control being the chief accomplices on the path toward the light. The length of a life is of very little consequence, compared with the investment of that life in service to Me and to others.

TUES., MAR. 3, 1992, 9:27 AM

All through these years that We have been in this direct communication I have offered you various thoughts about current, modern medical care. This truly is an area of life in which what you hear Me say cannot contradict Holy Scripture, for there just is nothing in those ancient Writings that relates to what is now available and practiced in your culture and others. Since you will be making a presentation on this subject in May you will need some additional insights. It would be well if you did this . . .

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