Medical Care… In Excess

FRI., JAN. 28, 2000, 11:59 AM

You have just returned from spending over 2 hours in the medical care system, most of it just waiting. (Let Me remind you again… don’t waste those hours of waiting. Take along a book and enjoy the time reading, something worthwhile for you in this portion of life.) This is, the Clinic, a very small part of the whole system, and therefore not as “wasteful” as some of the larger clinics and hospitals. You mused a bit upon the use of the term “patient.” Medically it is used as a proper designation for anyone who is to be assessed and then treated in some way not available outside of the system. Yet its more general meaning is a characteristic of one who waits, is not bothered by the wait… just accepts it as part of the “trade” for medical care… or any desired thing, person, or condition.

You are, by current medical interpretations, one in need of technical care, and therefore you are called upon to be patient… as you are a patient. I have warned you that it is fairly easy to be drawn into this system, for it claims much success in restoring health and postponing death. Some of these claims are valid, others are overdrawn, self serving, and distortions of truth. And it is hard for any “patient” to discern which it is, more or less, with self.

You were treated for a legitimate medical “problem.” You do feel confident that this lady Doctor is knowledgeable about skin cancers, but you do wonder if she “unconsciously” finds what she is looking for, in order to prescribe and carry out her “treatment.” As a patient you are called on to trust. As a well-educated Christian man you are expected to have some doubts and reservations.

Why do I include the term “Christian”? As one of These, whom I call “Special,” you are to see that I have accepted some responsibility for your health and life. I usually don’t directly cause conditions that reduce health and shorten life, but now and then I do, for reasons specific to persons involved. (The earth scene is, in My Perception, much more complex than scientific findings can determine and predict. I just am One of the unknowable or unpredictable factors… also “unmeasurable.”)

But I do allow some conditions of ill-health, again for many reasons. As you are aware (in contrast to most Christians, who don’t know about or openly reject), each life is longer than the one that is between a particular date of birth and the death. There may be lessons to learn and opportunities to be as I want you to be… or not so. All of these are not directly related to a long life. And at the end of a life – short, expected, or long – there is an evaluation and some assessment by Me – AND by your own eternal spirit – of what you have learned, gained, accomplished and whether you are now ready to merge back into Me… or whether there is more for you to learn and then live out, on earth or in other spirit realms.

( 12:33 PM / 2:59 PM )

Modern, scientific medicine is based, in philosophy, on the premise that this life one is in now is the only tangible life one will have, and therefore it should be prolonged, no matter how this may degrade the quality of a life. Medical science thus works hard for and is proud of new discoveries, techniques, and instruments that may save and prolong lives. It thus requires some intent and strength of will to refuse treatment or not seek more than is just comfort sustaining.

I have not commanded you (at least yet) nor instructed you directly to refuse further treatment. But I am suggesting that while some aspects of older age… or dying… may be spirit-enhancing you can also decide to stick with your positive health focus and accept, as a part of this, a life shorter, in time, than one with much medical assistance.

FRI., JAN. 28, 2000, 11:59 AM

You have just returned from spending over 2 hours in the medical care system, most of it just waiting. (Let Me remind you again... don’t waste those hours of waiting. Take along a book and enjoy the time reading, something worthwhile for you in this portion of life.) This is, the Clinic, a very small part of the whole system, and therefore not as “wasteful” as some of the larger clinics and hospitals. You mused a bit upon the use of the term “patient.” Medically it is used as a . . .

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