Medicine And Cross-Crawls

FRI., FEB. 12, 1993, 7:01 AM

Cross crawls are a symbol that your body can heal itself of any kind of ill. The human body, as I have designed it, has great capacities for adaptation to problems and thus the return of full function. This usually takes some time, so many in your culture become too impatient. I must admit that when you are in your 7th decade of life your functioning is not as full as it was as a younger person. You note now that your agility has diminished, and what you can do is more painful than it once was.

One of the many tests run on you recently has come back as positive, and hence you have started a regimen of medicine, that which combats the organism causing Lyme disease. What you have been accepting as the inevitable result of the aging process now may be the symptoms of an internal condition that has not been tamed by positive thoughts and spirit, your antibodies… and cross-crawls. You know, basically, how I feel about over-reliance on medicines, so you surely must be interested in what I have to say about this change. Hear Me, o son.

You still must have faith in your body and its capacities for healing. You must continue to have patience with internal processes that take time to regenerate. You also must accept that you are not as agile as you were even a few years ago. Compensate for these losses, but also continue to appreciate what your body can do. Consider a regimen of some daily exercises to maintain both strength and agility. Do cross crawl more frequently. Whenever possible park so that the mile or so across campus is part of your day’s activities.

I do not tell you that you shouldn’t take the medication. I want you to continue your positive attitude toward your health, but go ahead and give the medicine a trial. Your body may need some help at this time. Yet it also is possible that your body’s total reaction may be adverse, and then you would have to decide on relative advantages and disadvantages. If you function better and with less discomfort at the end of this month then you can be thankful for the effectiveness of medicine. If you are not functioning better then I shall advise you again.

In My view it is better to rely on cross-crawls, and their various equivalents than upon increasing medications. For some conditions that develop a variety of medications are helpful, but too many and the body’s desire and capacity to heal itself, with time, is compromised, diminished, and even lost.

My overall emphasis, however, is still on spirit as the key factor in effective living. Your other capacities, the ones for incarnated earth life, will diminish, but there is no need for spirit to wane. In fact, as I told you several times, spirit should increase as other functions decrease. Even with crippling and discomfort you can be, and should be, more spirit-filled. This week you thought, wisely, that there was no more important thing for you to do than sit quietly and have a Teaching from Me. If you ever lose this conviction you will be truly ill, and no medicines will cure this illness. You could even be cursed with a long, dreary, painful life, as a spiritual lesson, as some are.

FRI., FEB. 12, 1993, 7:01 AM

Cross crawls are a symbol that your body can heal itself of any kind of ill. The human body, as I have designed it, has great capacities for adaptation to problems and thus the return of full function. This usually takes some time, so many in your culture become too impatient. I must admit that when you are in your 7th decade of life your functioning is not as full as it was as a younger person. You note now that your agility has diminished, and what you can do is . . .

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