Medicine… My Perspective

FRI., JAN. 21, 2000, 8:12 PM

One of the most obvious “changes” in life, from My time in the earth as Jesus, is the increased capacity of “modern medicine” to relieve suffering and prolong the lives of humans, here in the earth. Several of the TV shows you watch, with some regularity are about current medical practice and all that it can do. Your professional field was health education, and though you tried hard to present this in a positive way, it did have a linkage with medicine – the attempt to restore health when it was being eroded or was already lost.

Most middle-class Christians would assume that I, as the Triune God, am partially or wholly in favor of, and responsible for, modern medicine. But I must also note that those of you, of whom I am not referring, have what I would call an “unhealthy attitude” toward death – the movement out of an earthly body and a return to spiritual realms. There is much lip service to heaven and an “after-life” with Me, but this is often “countered” by medical procedures that prolong an earth life, no matter what the conditions (sometimes, at least).

You are at about the average age when males in your culture die. Two of your male heirs died younger than you, but your father and your grandfather both lived about 20 years more than your present age. Is it always good to be “above average”? Shouldn’t you, with a diagnosis of cancer, be seeking treatment – radiation and/or chemotherapy – to prolong your life into a more respectable old age? Why am I not urging you to seek such medical means to a longer earth life? I have communicated this to you in Teachings before. Let Me make it clearer now.

First, remember that I led you into the areas of death education and environmental dimensions of health. You know that the liveable portions of this planet Earth have all been discovered, and the “choicest” places are now mostly over-crowded with people… and the infrastructure necessary for modern life. Oh, truly, the earth can support a larger human population, but at a cost of “crowded living.” Fewer and fewer folks could live as you do now. Further, modern medicine requires much use of valuable resources and does produce a good deal of waste. There is a natural decline in health… meaning capacities to adapt appropriately and comfortably to actual and potential losses of function, in body and mind… as you become older.

You have had recurring allergic reactions (to something?), and so you have three different pills or capsules that you have taken to reduce and eliminate these uncomfortable nasal symptoms. Today you tried all three, consecutively, and there was no significant relief. You have just had to “live with” your condition, continuing into the “now.” You should see it as a “good experience” that these simple medications did not return you to health on this day.

Consider, again, what health REALLY is, from My perspective. It is primarily the positive functioning of your spirit, with quite secondary focus on body and mind. The fact that your body and mind are showing increasing malfunctioning is of minor importance to Me, in contrast with your spirit. It shall be healthier for you to drop this body sometime in your 70’s and return to the more familiar spirit realms than to live on with these increasing losses.

It shall be your enactment of My example – giving up something good for something better. Yes, earth life can be seen as good, and yours has been quite above-average, but if the earth is to remain as this unique “place” for spiritual growth, births and deaths have to balance – better than they do now. I do not see it as a measure of community health that an increasing portion of elderly humans are kept alive with medical means. The “health” of these next two generations will be harder to achieve and maintain if there must be costly care for fading seniors.

FRI., JAN. 21, 2000, 8:12 PM

One of the most obvious “changes” in life, from My time in the earth as Jesus, is the increased capacity of “modern medicine” to relieve suffering and prolong the lives of humans, here in the earth. Several of the TV shows you watch, with some regularity are about current medical practice and all that it can do. Your professional field was health education, and though you tried hard to present this in a positive way, it did have a linkage with medicine – the attempt to restore health when it was being . . .

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