
WED., SEPT. 23, 1981, 5:12 AM

You hear and see the theme, o son, and then you proceed on and in faith. You see that I am here, for the words form on the page, and another meditation has begun. Some of this morning’s teaching will be a revisiting of ideas and truths given before, but it is proper, even necessary to learn and relearn about meditation.

Fundamentally, meditation is listening with the spirit. The rational mind is tuned down, even off… and even likewise the intuitive mind. The emotions are banked. It is a time of listening. To what? In some instances it is just listening, a very spirit testing exercise of listening and hearing nothing, but continuing to listen just the same. This is not very rewarding, but it can be a time of free rest for the mind… different than sleep, for it is done purposefully and in the waking state.

Beyond just listening there can be a getting in touch with one’s own spirit. In a quiet time of meditation, with the mind at rest, your own spirit may speak. It is like unto talking to yourself as you walk along or work in the garden. It is a hearing of the experiences and interpretations of your own spirit, often otherwise made non-discernable by the working of the mind.

Some people can hear, as they listen in meditation, some “voices” from the natural world… from trees, from mountains, from bodies of water… even from human-made structures. Sometimes this is reasonably memorable, more often it is just an experience in hearing that is pleasant, soothing and satisfying. You do this, without real purpose, sometimes here on your Farm. You usually “mess the meditation up”, however, by talking to yourself. Now that you know, try just the meditative form and see how unique an experience it can be.

Meditation can also be a hearing of other spirits. This can be conscious, and the other spirit or spirits may be identifiable. This requires some functioning of mind, as this one We do together does, but the mind is just basically functional, not thinking, not in control. The spirit worlds are vast and varied. In general, I desire that they not mix into the earth plane much, but I do not exert control absolutely. If I did (and I could) I could prevent some destructive spiritual encounters (of disembodied spirits with bad intentions influencing the spirit of a person living in the earth). However, this would also prevent some wonderful, creative, helping, soothing encounters which can come in time of meditation with other spirits.

And so, as you expected, I now affirm that the ultimate focus of meditation is upon Me, the Holy Spirit of the Lord God. Listen to Me as I speak to you. For some this will be an experience like unto that described for meditation with nature… mainly unintelligible and non-memorable, but very satisfying and relaxing. Then there is a range of actual conscious hearings, culminating, almost, in a meditation like this one. In this I use your developed capacities for writing to produce tangible meditative writings or teachings… evidence that you have heard Me. Understanding or anticipation are unimportant (though most of what I offer you will be finally understandable) at the time of writing. Your concentration is upon hearing My voice, o son, and translating this into an English essay, reasonably punctuated.

WED., SEPT. 23, 1981, 5:12 AM

You hear and see the theme, o son, and then you proceed on and in faith. You see that I am here, for the words form on the page, and another meditation has begun. Some of this morning’s teaching will be a revisiting of ideas and truths given before, but it is proper, even necessary to learn and relearn about meditation.

Fundamentally, meditation is listening with the spirit. The rational mind is tuned down, even off… and even likewise the intuitive mind. The emotions are banked. It is a time . . .

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