
THURS., MAR. 29, 1990, 3:38 PM

Yes, o son, this is a form of meditation that We do together, for the vital description of this practice is a quiet listening. You could be listening to your own inner voice (often influenced by Me). You could be listening to certain sounds of nature. Or it could be a focus on your own breathing. Your meditation, however, is listening to Me, without thoughts of comment. You know how to do it well, but you still “mess it up” occasionally.

It is a surprise to you that this is the title when you are here at convention. Usually the Teachings in such an uncommon place are more related to sessions and conversations that you have had. You are not sure where this theme will take you. That’s good. Just listen and hear.

In a morning session you observed a young man in a classic posture of meditation, even as the program was commencing. You know not what the focus of his meditation was or why he was doing it. It afforded you some feelings of nervousness, and you couldn’t imagine yourself doing that. Fortunately, your mission is to have this experience in private but to share parts of the written Teachings with a range of people. You wish those who comment favorably upon your Ruminations would acknowledge My part more. Don’t fret about that, but include some reference to it in your next Letter. With a little urging, some may be more willing to comment on My part as well as yours.

The session you just experienced was the apparent antithesis of a meditation. There was much activity and much relating verbally. You were not to keep thoughts to yourself. You were to be intermixing your thoughts and conclusions with those of the other three in your group. Not quiet. Not alone. Not pensive. Though there was listening.

Expect meditations to be offered to you, from time to time, that give you new ideas about teaching and learning… or that reinforce what you have already learned and heard. In a quiet time you need to process what you have experienced today, determining how you can modify this for future classes of yours. This shall not be a pure meditation, but a valuable aftermath to the experience.

In prayer you are offering Me thanks, supplications, and praise for life as it is or should be. Meditation is listening and actually hearing how I respond to what you have offered in prayers… or should have. Most Christians are overbalanced toward prayer, with little to no confidence that listening will produce that which is desired. Not all could benefit, but many more could than do try to meditate.

In the midst of a busy convention, with almost constant interaction with people you need to find these times of quiet… these times of hearing Me rather than human voices. I’ll urge you again to be more ready to respond to queries such as, “How are things…with you… at S.I.U.?” Where it is appropriate, tell of your continuing relationship with Me, and of thoughts about the spiritual dimension to health. You are one who can speak about this and can be heard. Keep reinforcing that this is a major interest of yours. Don’t be a “one note” professional, but also don’t fail to offer this affirmation that the spirit is a vital part of health.

Meditation is a healthy practice… the antithesis of socializing. It also makes you different from most of your colleagues, and I admit that this is a reason for being careful in telling others of this part of your life. For I shall reaffirm that I do want you to continue to be recognized as a leader in your field. This is your rhythm, which can have some variety of specific balances: meditate… socialize… speak of Me… be reluctant to speak of this meditation… continue as a health educator of repute.

THURS., MAR. 29, 1990, 3:38 PM

Yes, o son, this is a form of meditation that We do together, for the vital description of this practice is a quiet listening. You could be listening to your own inner voice (often influenced by Me). You could be listening to certain sounds of nature. Or it could be a focus on your own breathing. Your meditation, however, is listening to Me, without thoughts of comment. You know how to do it well, but you still “mess it up” occasionally.

It is a surprise to you that this is . . .

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