Meditation In The Mountains

TUES., OCT. 7, 1986, 1:11 PM

Yes, o son, on this beautiful day in the earth you are definitely in the mountains. This rocky range has a unique beauty, and it is wise for you to enjoy and experience it as much as you can. This has been a busy time of learning and visiting… of attachment and detachment… with periods of solitude as you drove. Now another busy convention lies ahead… but first – this time of quiet in the mountains.

This is living that mostly the well-to-do can afford. Always remember this fortunate state of your present life. In one sense you “deserve” it, and in another it is a test, just as being poor and sick would be. You have an opportunity to live this reasonably affluent life well, with little attachment and lots of awareness and appreciation. I needn’t tell you how well you’re doing.

You can look out and see clear, blue sky, clouds, pinetrees, native grass and rocks… even a snow-capped peak. Occasionally cars and trucks pass, and you notice the sounds in the otherwise still air. There must be ways for people to come and go, for most must be about the work of the world. You sat by the stream, and you read Becky’s meditation on this moving body of water. Is it strange for a river to “talk” in such a way? Not really, for there are innumerable ways to communicate, and most humans in your culture simply feel comfortable in the narrow range of “hearing” ability. You hear Me, but you probably wouldn’t get much from the river and trees. Just accept that there is much that is possible beyond your present capacities. Don’t try extra hard to hear what you don’t hear… but be ever ready for new experiences.

This is a place to retreat from the normal world of work… a place to prepare for a time of much action and activity… even, for some, a place to reflect on life when the work life is over. There are many places in the earth, like and unlike this one, which have this function. As Jesus I never had the physical opportunity to be in a place like this, but I did value those places where I could go, during My earth life, to retreat, prepare, or reflect. As pure Spirit I could never have appreciated this aspect of life in human form. The fact that it does not represent ultimate reality is of no real consequence.

Look up at the clouds. Are they real or not? Of course. You know that they are just water vapor and that there are certain physical laws behind their existence. Does any of this have anything to do with their shapes… or their beauty? Is it only chance that a cloud takes a shape? You saw a face, and now it is gone. Don’t human lives have a similar course? Some shall come into the earth this day, and some shall leave. Most of those you will see at the convention shall be like unto these clouds… moving and faceless. Try to appreciate these, as well as those who have clear faces and who are important parts of your on-going life. Is the secret of life in these clouds? As much as it is in any other place, thing, or experience

Yet it would not be well for you to become a compulsive cloud-watcher.

TUES., OCT. 7, 1986, 1:11 PM

Yes, o son, on this beautiful day in the earth you are definitely in the mountains. This rocky range has a unique beauty, and it is wise for you to enjoy and experience it as much as you can. This has been a busy time of learning and visiting… of attachment and detachment… with periods of solitude as you drove. Now another busy convention lies ahead… but first – this time of quiet in the mountains.

This is living that mostly the well-to-do can afford. Always remember this fortunate . . .

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