Meet The Children

MAY 14, 1980, 5:58 AM

Yesterday, o son, the “meeting with your children” began. It was interesting that Michael began the actual conversation of confrontation… though the teaching for yesterday morning and the accessible folder of other meditations really affected the meeting. So, as you would expect, I was there, enjoying the encounter.

The two of you came out close together on fundamental issues of life in Christ and, as anticipated, somewhat divergent on a few ultimate questions. The important thing was that you each “told your story” and listened, fairly well, to that of the other. That was your best expression of experience yet, and you already have some sense of how it can be improved. This is an important consideration, for more of these “meetings” lie ahead. They have value in and of themselves, certainly but they also are important “warmups” for your Fall project.

Let me tell you again, o son… and this is important: I do not purpose that all of My servants be alike, even in fundamental belief. You can only know of Me partially in this earth anyway, so it is My plan that different people, even faithful servants, experience Me differently and interpret My Scriptures differently. Those that are wise share experiences and learn of the many ways of the Lord. Those who are foolish will not listen to others and expend effort defending their own understanding and remain, thus, unenlightened as to the breadth and depth of Me in the lives of persons.

It was good to see and hear a father and son “meet” in a discussion of My will and ways. Await reaction from and interaction with Wendy… though this may not come, in truth, until your visit out there.

I purpose that all souls acknowledge Me and serve Me. I am not bothered by the fact that they do this from a wide variety of basic beliefs. I also intend that souls who acknowledge and serve Me interrelate with one another… “sharing the Lord and the Spirit”… and, always potentially, learning more of Me from each other.

If a belief or a conviction stops or prevents interrelationship among peoples, particularly servants, that belief or conviction has become a millstone. Your son sought to hear your beliefs and experiences. You sought some of his. But you did not seek diligently enough to know more about his perceptions of Satan and evil. This is not an important part of your understanding of Me, but you know that it is for others. Rather than let this divide you and keep you apart, ask to know more about this “power”, including Scriptural references… and then see what you learn. But more importantly, experience the joy of hearing another, even a son, witness to understanding… or experience the frustration of one who cannot integrate one conviction with another.

Know that all truth ultimately fits together, but you do not have enough pieces to recognize the picture. Seek these wherever they may be found, and know that I purpose for much to be learned from other journeyers along the path.

The Church shall be one only as you expressed it – at peace, in unity, and in purity as the Body of Christ. In the apparent reality of the societal institution, Paul’s analogy to the body still applies. There shall be different groups, seeing My Face and My Will differently… a toe is not like a gallbladder…is not like a tongue… is not like a … Yet the body functions when the diverse parts function as they should and appreciate the functioning of all others.

Eventually you shall meet each of your sons along this path of service… toward selflessness and enlightenment. Michael is the one to start with. You can learn from him… and he from you. It is wise that you have not flaunted your age and experience over his. He may be farther along than you, in lifetimes of experience. It is not important to know… only to acknowledge that it may be so.

So, the confrontation began, gently and with love. Know that My teachings are of most value when they are used. You shall learn them, truly, only by sharing them. Hallelujah on a Wednesday!

7:01 AM