Michael Comes Across

Jan. 13, 1999, Wed., 7:07 AM
Farm Study

Yes, o son, your strong, active, reverent second son, Michael unexpectedly (for him and for you) came across that “barrier” between the world of flesh, money, things… and the world of spirit, everlasting and eternal.  He was “too young”, certainly, to make this transition, but his otherwise strong body had a weakness.  (You noted that this does contrast with his grandfather, your Dad, whose body lives on though his spirit has had enough of this earth scene.)

As you know, Michael was a servant of Mine, in the Orthodox tradition.  He was a Deacon in that more liturgical form of My Body… and he was pleased to have that “office” restored, after it had been taken from him, in church wrangling.  He started his church career with you and the family, as Presbyterians, but somehow that was not sufficient for him.  He then turned to the evangelical, then the evangelical orthodox, and, finally, the Antiochan Orthodox.  He, and Wendy, responded well to the more formal liturgy and to the longer history of this portion of My diverse Body.

Though his spirit was in tune with this ancient form of adoration and praise it also was enlivened by the life he led, with his wife, family, fellow Christians, his life work, and the place for that life, there in California.  You have been pleased that he had become such an ebullient servant of Mine in that tradition, strange though it has seemed to you.  You have been somewhat disappointed that he could not completely accept what you and I do together… these Teachings and Our Ruminations… but you “understand” the necessary suspicions that his tradition almost required.

Jan. 13, 1999, Wed., 7:07 AM
Farm Study

Yes, o son, your strong, active, reverent second son, Michael unexpectedly (for him and for you) came across that “barrier” between the world of flesh, money, things… and the world of spirit, everlasting and eternal.  He was “too young”, certainly, to make this transition, but his otherwise strong body had a weakness.  (You noted that this does contrast with his grandfather, your Dad, whose body lives on though his spirit has had enough of this earth scene.)

As you know, Michael was a servant of Mine, in the Orthodox tradition.  He . . .

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