Michael’s Story…

FRI., FEB. 26, 1999, 6:14 AM

The Session minutes are done, and the Church Newsletter task lies ahead. Then you can return to the saga of Michael, now more than a month since his transition from earth life to life in the spirit only. Thus his story continues, in memories here of those who knew and loved him, and also in the realm… the mansion… where he and I are still analyzing and evaluating his life… for it does continue.

You have not grieved as you would be expected to, as a loving father. But note that this term “father” is also one of My God names (capitalized, of course)… and do I grieve at the death of human? You know, of course, that there are some large number of deaths each day, and it is often quite marvelous to welcome back souls that have made “progress” in spiritual development during life as a human. Hence, I see death as a return, which is a significant “life” event, even for those whose earth lives have not been long in years.

You were quite close to Michael when he was a boy, even teenager, but by then, as is often the case, an increasing part of his life was not being shared with you. You were pleased as his relationship with Me developed, even as it went from evangelical to orthodox, with both extremes “seeing themselves” as a bit (or more) “superior” to your Presbyterian way of faith. You realize that “the son does not always follow the father”, but that is more a realization of the mind than of the heart and spirit.

Knowing Michael from his years as Mikey and Mike you were surprised when he embraced a worship style as liturgical as the Orthodox. You realized that the fellowship was truly Christian… and that, in your culture, each generation seems to need to deviate from the one before (even, as in Michael’s story, it is a return to a form that was never very appealing to you.)

Then I invited you to a personal, mystical relationship with Me, one with quite a tangible “product” – these Teachings. So you see that as I was leading Michael to a more historical, hierarchal, formal “form” of My Body I was leading you in quite another historic direction – that of the mystic who hears Me directly… and records what is heard. As he told you, with love, but also “in truth,” (What is truth? is that ever answered?) the reality of what you record Me saying to you cannot be accepted, without judgment, over time, by Church Fathers and Theologians. Am I responsible for this? Of course. Yes, you have experienced a “down side” of My love for diversity, in families and in religious practice.

In your life you chose to live in places other than Long Beach, where your parents continued to live. (It is ironic that they lived the last portion of their long lives on the island where you first went… “away from home,” now more than 50 years ago.) You settled your family here, in this Midwestern community over 33 years ago, but Michael chose to live and work in a part of the country that you once chose, but not for the “long haul.”

Note that your parents rejected the place where they grew up, so did you, and so did Michael. Am I responsible for this? Only in part, as I lead and guide some of you into lives best for you. And your culture makes it easy for generations to “move.” (But you do have John Patrick and Matthew, still in this area.)

FRI., FEB. 26, 1999, 6:14 AM

The Session minutes are done, and the Church Newsletter task lies ahead. Then you can return to the saga of Michael, now more than a month since his transition from earth life to life in the spirit only. Thus his story continues, in memories here of those who knew and loved him, and also in the realm… the mansion… where he and I are still analyzing and evaluating his life… for it does continue.

You have not grieved as you would be expected to, as a loving father. But note that . . .

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