Michael’s Story… Continuing

FRI., MAR. 26, 1999, 6:35 AM

As you are about 2/3 through with Our Ruminations on the life, death, and continuing life of your son, Michael, I’ll give you a bit more, probably not for this Letter, but for one that will follow. For it is quite evident that I have said more to you, about him or related to him than can be put in one 7 page Letter (and 7 pages does take Us to the edge of losing readers).

Michael does “live on” in remembrances, by many people, of the dynamic earth life that he exhibited. Many, who live many more years than he did, do not show forth dynamism like his, and hence memories fade… and even are lost. Still, it is natural that life goes on for those whose bodies still function… and the minds of most of you can’t hold an increasing number of memories. (Thus, after you finish this, and your other writings that are more “chores”, I want you to finish that story of Michael, chronological. Your memory is losing its sharpness and retentiveness, so don’t put it off, overlong.)

You wonder why there have been no discernable “signs” from Michael… some communication back from a spirit realm, as you know, from experiences with Peter, can happen. Peter needed to let you know that he lived on, mainly because as he saw his life, in spiritual perspective, it had not been lived “well,” particularly in relation to you, his parents. And, on “the other side” he wasn’t at all sure that he wouldn’t have caused you more pain if his life had continued.

The earth life of Michael was longer, more balanced, and lived, much of the time in his last years, for Me. Oh, there were a few “aspects” of and events in his life that were troublesome to “re-view,” but mostly Michael lived life positively, so he saw mostly the “good” he had done… and was. He has had little trouble adjusting to the spirit world. But he may, yet, communicate in some ways.

Your Dad has wondered, in the sense-deprived state he is in, in these last years, why his life continues. He has outlived many, if not most, of those who knew him as a vital, hard-working, competent man. And as his mind dwindles in its functioning, even memory pictures get dimmer, dimmer… and then fade out. Of course, as he does come on over the picture of his life shall sharpen and fill out again, but he’ll still wonder “why it took so long.”

Yes, o son, there is some wisdom in the Psalmist’s affirmation of three score and ten, or four score if health, strength, and functioning are still present, as the best length of a single life. Michael was “into his third score, but not really very far. But what he lived he lived, with vigor and gusto, and he’ll be remembered for such.

As you occasionally wear your “Durango shirt” you are reminded of that fine family gathering in that scenic spot. You are beyond organizing such “events” in the future, but you hope some of the younger family members, perhaps with some memories of Michael there, “in action”… but now “departed,” will be willing to so organize.

FRI., MAR. 26, 1999, 6:35 AM

As you are about 2/3 through with Our Ruminations on the life, death, and continuing life of your son, Michael, I’ll give you a bit more, probably not for this Letter, but for one that will follow. For it is quite evident that I have said more to you, about him or related to him than can be put in one 7 page Letter (and 7 pages does take Us to the edge of losing readers).

Michael does “live on” in remembrances, by many people, of the dynamic earth . . .

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