Mind And Spirit

SUN., OCT. 9, 1983, 6:05 AM

Mind and spirit… what relationships I do observe in servants of Mine and in those others who enjoy life in the earth! Competition and cooperation. These are the yin and yang relationships that continuously supplant each other in those who are not yet enlightened but who are developing in spirit… which is most of humankind.

First, I must tell you (again) how I am using these terms, for I am not perfectly consistent, even in tangible communications such as this. Consistency is a high value to the mind, but when mind is not always dominant the value on this characteristic diminishes. All I shall say it that My purposes, which are beyond your understanding, are above perfect consistency.

So, the mind is the intellect, which is mostly a function of the brain, and hence is more to less functional in any earth incarnation. That is to say that the mind you have now gives you more capacity to think, reason, remember, and solve problems than the minds of many other people (and less than still others)… and more than you have had in previous incarnations. Mind is concerned mainly with self, and when it is concerned with others (and the earth) there is always an element of advantage to the self to show concern beyond self.

Spirit is part of the eternal you… not limited by the body and mind you now possess. Spirit is that which both reaches out to Me and responds to My reaching for you. Spirit is that which reaches out to others when there is no particular advantage to self… even when self may be harmed… even destroyed. Spirit is that which sees the earth as of much value and seeks to live and cooperate with the earth rather than simply take from it and move on.

When mind and spirit work together, with spirit as the unifying, coordinating force, you shall see the human at his and her best. When I communicated through My servant Edgar that “Mind is the Builder” I referred to this ideal combination of mind and spirit… when “build” is given a positive meaning. Mind and spirit together build the most constructive life, with the highest ideals. When mind is less able, the building cannot be as obvious (here in the earth). When spirit is not strong, what is built may reflect too much selfishness.

So, I say to you, o son, that mind without spirit builds, but does so erratically. Mind and spirit, functioning as loving complements (yes, We shall talk about that at length some other morning) build, to the advantage of self and of others.

Recall that I said that mind is mostly a function of the brain. This allows for the truth that mind, generally at the unconscious level, carries on some learnings from pre-existence. Yes, mind does grow and develop in other realms, and those concepts and skills learned in the earth or in other realms can be carried over for use and continued development in this life.

Still, one of the conditions of life in the earth is a willingness to give up, for the incarnation, what has been learned and to live as if this were the only life one has… particularly as you come to be born in the Western area of influence. You can know only that you have known before and that some of your unconscious responses include previous learnings, but there is no clear, conscious memory. This is all the knowledge you need for success in the earth, so do not worry yourself about trying to know “what you knew before.”

SUN., OCT. 9, 1983, 6:05 AM

Mind and spirit… what relationships I do observe in servants of Mine and in those others who enjoy life in the earth! Competition and cooperation. These are the yin and yang relationships that continuously supplant each other in those who are not yet enlightened but who are developing in spirit… which is most of humankind.

First, I must tell you (again) how I am using these terms, for I am not perfectly consistent, even in tangible communications such as this. Consistency is a high value to the mind, but when mind . . .

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