Mind Over Spirit

MON., FEB. 13, 1989, 6:17 AM

Your mind has been running with many and diverse thoughts. You have been trying to recall an active but not satisfying dream, but your mind is not able to accomplish. And spirit awaits some slowing down of the mind in order that I might be heard. The process shall be slow and labored this morning, o son. Just persist, for I am here.

As I have told you many times, here in the earth there often is competition between the mind and the spirit. I have created the earth and all there is, but in a way that sustains itself, apparently. It is basically orderly, and thus made possible the origin and development of several sciences. These have been valuable to the human cause on earth, but some success has spawned an arrogance that I expected… that is both troubling and amusing.

The developed mind can have such arrogance about its accomplishments! Your professional field still strives for recognition as one comparable to others with much thought, much scholarship, and much research. You have been on the fringes of this, and now I urge you to be even more so, with more concern for spirit than for these exercises of the mind.

Yet you must maintain a balance. You had a weekend of spiritual and service activities, and now your mind must dominate for a time. You must complete the letters and other forms required. You must get your finances in order. You must make a list of those who should receive letters from you, and both mind and spirit must cooperate to achieve this. Spirit alone seems insufficient. And you must compose your Christmas letter this week, for you have both the first Ruminations of this year and the completion of your sabbatical project as accomplishments due before the Spring break. Yes, it is I, the Spirit, siding with your mind and setting tasks.

Your conduct of classes has been quite satisfactory. Continue to spend more time in considering ways for spirit to be expressed than in developing materials for presentation. You need some content, but don’t overdo it. I want your spirit to dominate, with mind as the junior partner. All classes should not be this way, even though it may induce more learning from some. I just reiterate that this should be your mode for the remainder of your career.

Yes, you should go to the program on evolution vs. creation, even as it is advertised as two mind theories rather than mind vs. spirit. I want you to hear it, even as I tell you that the creation was like unto evolution. I created, and I let it develop. I created, with appearances of evolution. I wanted the creation to be orderly, and I wanted humans to understand it… somewhat. Anyway, I urge you to go to this presentation, and let your mind and spirit both consider what is said.

Does mind survive physical death, as spirit does? Since the human brain dies those aspects of mind that are functions of the brain are no longer. But the mind is not limited to brain function. This is the mystical aspect of mind… the aspect of mind and spirit being alike, even as they still may compete. Thought, in the mind that survives, still has some of the characteristics of “live” human thought, but it, finally, is of a different nature. It gives you continuity in and on your spiritual path, but is always subservient to the spirit, even as spirit is not basically a dominating force. It is not possible to explain clearly in words, but you shall understand that mind does continue, in a somewhat mystical form.

In the earth, however, with all of the thoughts that the brain can generate, mind can rather easily seem more powerful than spirit. In your culture there is so much that mind must do… so much competition to know and to be able to utilize knowledge. To be successful in a vocation such as yours, your spirit must unify your being but allow the mind to be somewhat predominant. In some other cultures this would not be necessary. Your spirit knows where you are and what sort of balance is best.

MON., FEB. 13, 1989, 6:17 AM

Your mind has been running with many and diverse thoughts. You have been trying to recall an active but not satisfying dream, but your mind is not able to accomplish. And spirit awaits some slowing down of the mind in order that I might be heard. The process shall be slow and labored this morning, o son. Just persist, for I am here.

As I have told you many times, here in the earth there often is competition between the mind and the spirit. I have created the earth and all . . .

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