
FEB. 10, 1981, 5:30 AM

Your ministry is not like unto Mabel’s, o son, wherein she goes to prayer with a request from someone and receives a direct response from Me, which she can then share. A ministry of direct messages is her opportunity in this life. Yours is different. These are teachings, not direct messages… instruction to you rather than communications to others. Still, you know that I do speak in relation to specific people, particularly your sons. So my teaching this wet morning is about ministrations, and the special referent is My servant, Dave. Just write it down as you hear it, and then share it with him, yet know that it will have value beyond his particular case and situation.

I can affirm that you have not thought of this matter since he described it to you last night. You knew you would have a teaching about it, and therefore you did not want to “contaminate” what I shall say with what you had thought. That was not really necessary, but it was a commendable approach. I certainly can overcome your thoughts, so that you were not helping Me directly, but, rather, it is an avoidance of concern on your part as to the authenticity of these words.

You notice that My focus, which you received before you were out of bed, is on Ministrations, rather than on the worrisome pathologic condition. You shall see why as the teaching proceeds. Listen to Me. This is appropriate practice for listening to others, and listening to the descriptions of others’ lives is one of the central ministrations of this earthly life… and of you, personally. That is the likeness. The difference is that I am not in need, in personal need of your listening to Me, as some shall be. That which you hear from Me shall be instructive, while what you hear from others may not be. Yet the listening is with your spiritual ears, a hearing that goes beyond the words that are physically uttered.

Dave has a number of ministries, and he carries out his ministrations generally quite well. Yet his concern with “doing right” has become excessive. It is not an easy time when this happens to one of My servants, for it has happened all through the ages, happens now, and shall continuously. It is a time of instruction, in retrospect, but experiences such as Dave’s are not easy to deal with in the occurrence.

In one sense the experience is a cry for balance by the holistic person… often a better balance between ministrations given and ministrations received. I can still remember vividly the incident in My life as Jesus when I went to sup at the home of a Pharisee and the woman of ill-repute put oil upon My head and washed My feet with her tears. I was not feeling comfortable as I went to that gathering, and I didn’t know why. Anyone could say that I didn’t “need” such ministrations, for I was the one who gave to others. I was to give My life for the sins of the world. I was the Giver. Yet as she began her ministrations to Me I felt the power of a shift going on in My Being, others would have had her stop, but I bid her continue. For as someone did, spontaneously, for Me, so My rhythm became more effective.

A condition such as Dave has experienced has many facets. I speak mainly of the spiritual component. He gives of himself too prodigiously and too consciously. Giving is good… don’t misunderstand. He needs now to accept the ministrations of others, you included, to achieve a better balance, a more functional rhythm. It is a “tricky” spiritual task, for he must avoid excessive concern with self, and must not cease his ministrations to others (remember My words about Lindy), but must “use” this gently as a means of receiving ministrations from others. You had planned to veer off, on the ride last evening, and see John Patrick. Yet you knew, as the time for turning came, that you must hear him out. The ministrations of listening.

This now signals the proper beginning for some regular sharing with Dave from these meditative writings. These shall be no “cure-all”… just your contribution. As he can receive from them his balance shall improve. That is all I shall say to you.

Balance your opportunities with a happy heart.

Shalom… truly
6:44 AM