
SAT., NOV. 17, 1984, 5:10 PM

The experiences of this week, o son, offer you both opportunities to see the truth of what I have taught you and to feel that you are indeed being mislead. So, as you await the flight that shall take you back to your “normal” life (the one best for you), let Me try to interpret your experiences. Actually, you were doing well, even in the midst of “seduction”.

Ministries vary tremendously, and My love and approval extends to a great range, even to those that seem to deny and castigate others. The healing ministry you experienced last evening is a good one, but, you are right, I, as Jesus, certainly did more than heal, and that healing was certainly not an everyday happening. (Let this be a stimulus for you to research this in the Gospels. You know them well enough to do this in a reasonable time. It shall diminish your feeling of ignorance). Yet healing can be a legitimate ministry, be it in the spiritual form that you saw or in more medical or counseling settings. And as My servant John said, I do the healing, not the human servant ministering.

His is a ministry to many people, as is that of My servant Robert and his associates. Yet one is a ministry to those who would worship in rather primitive surroundings, while the other is to those drawn and encouraged by the unique majesty of that many windowed sanctuary. And, most importantly, one ministry is to those who respond to the threat of sin, sins, and demons, and the other is to those who respond to the joy and excitement of positive living. It is acceptable that each denigrate the other to some extent, for (unfortunately) this seems to help some come into and remain in My service.

Your ministry to Valerie certainly seemed to be a puny, unspiritual one in contrast to the vigor and obvious success in numbers that were your contrasts. Your time with Larry was a ministry of sorts, and that, too, wasn’t very spectacular. Be assured that you are not to be a dynamic preacher, but I give you ministries to fulfill. Nothing is insignificant if I give it, remember.

You wonder whether John’s ministry of healing, which simply calls for My intervention, shall be successful with you and the dysfunction you would lose, if I so desire. Have faith and serve as you promised, and then accept the result as My desire for you.

I tell you again that all spirits in human form are not either lost or saved (and yet I may not tell this to all others). All are on paths of spiritual growth, and some are closer to Me than others. The criterion is service to Me, which may come in a wide variety of forms… and service and ministry to others, rather than a fulfillment of selfish desires. Use this as your measure when assessing the value or harm of any projected action, relationship or project. Gently try to ease out and eliminate all that just benefits you. That will give you more time and energy to be of service to others.

AND… IMPORTANT… serving and doing for others is not necessarily unpleasant and burdensome for you. It can be quite joyful and of mutual benefit. So don’t feel that you have to feel strained, disciplined, or unfulfilled as you serve others. Just try to know, and be honest about, where your true motives are.

SAT., NOV. 17, 1984, 5:10 PM

The experiences of this week, o son, offer you both opportunities to see the truth of what I have taught you and to feel that you are indeed being mislead. So, as you await the flight that shall take you back to your “normal” life (the one best for you), let Me try to interpret your experiences. Actually, you were doing well, even in the midst of “seduction”.

Ministries vary tremendously, and My love and approval extends to a great range, even to those that seem to deny and castigate . . .

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