Ministries At The University

FRI., APR. 18, 1997, 6:55 AM

You are being pulled to some involvement in UCM, the campus ministry that your church has supported for quite a few years. Fund-raising is necessary, but this is not an interest or a talent of yours. Hence, you are torn as to what you should do… or not. Hear some words, o son, on ministries, as they can and should come forth at universities.

In some ways Karen’s ministry, representing your church and two others, has been a successful one. She has related well with a few students and has encouraged these, and some others to be in some active ministries… building in Mexico and with Habitat. She is sincere in her desires to help individuals who need counseling with a spiritual dimension. In the spirit of your religion (certainly a favorite of Mine) she has often been where there was need, providing what she could.

In other ways, the ministry has been difficult, representing three churches. Though you appear to be similar, sociologically, you know there are some fairly clear differences… and these include varied perceptions of what UCM should be and how Karen is doing. Over the years the ministry has seemed to attract “fringe” young people, more so than the next generation of Presbyterians. But, remember, I, as Jesus had such a ministry, with less than distinguished disciples, and devotees who were mostly “fringe folk”, in relation to the dominant religion of that culture.

This, that Karen does, is a worthwhile ministry, if it can be afforded. That seems to be the issue now. How can Karen be paid, and how can the other expenses be met? Your church, in its Synod ministries, seems to be withdrawing, because of a change in perception of how campus ministries should “be”, in this era. Your talk with Barbara and the paper she gave you were helpful in seeing this ministry picture in a wider way.

You are not on the Board responsible for what goes on in the name of UCM, and you don’t wish to be. That isn’t a role you have played well in the past, and it is not for you now or in the future, beyond this year. (Should you volunteer to cut their grass, as you did some years ago? The exercise and the clippings would be useful.)

So let’s review what your unique ministry is, at the University. With some help from Me the courses you have taught in the recent past, and are now teaching, have natural spiritual content. You now are comfortable in focusing on these spiritual aspects, encouraging learners to see alternative ways in which spirit is manifested. You can identify yourself as a Presby, but you realize that this can encourage perceptions that you don’t want. So… be careful with such identification. Realize that with this special relationship with Me you are as much mystic as Presbyterian, and for many this would seem to be an incompatible combination.

The university is a rational institution, but such a view of life is, in My perception (naturally), quite limited. Those who come to study here are encouraged to think rationally and systematically, but, as you’ve found, many are quite willing and able to perceive life in wider and deeper ways, as you do. Thus, your ministry is still through your classes and with the students who come to be influenced by you. It is a unique opportunity to relate to young people, offering them some perceptions that they might otherwise not encounter.

FRI., APR. 18, 1997, 6:55 AM

You are being pulled to some involvement in UCM, the campus ministry that your church has supported for quite a few years. Fund-raising is necessary, but this is not an interest or a talent of yours. Hence, you are torn as to what you should do… or not. Hear some words, o son, on ministries, as they can and should come forth at universities.

In some ways Karen’s ministry, representing your church and two others, has been a successful one. She has related well with a few students and . . .

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