Misfortune… Actual

NOV. 29, 1980, 6:47 AM

I directed you, o son, to the teaching entitled Misfortune yesterday, and you would do well to review that again. This morning I shall teach you on the same theme, an important one for Christians, with reference to the actual misfortune you have suffered. Your back this morn, is stiff and sore, and it is difficult to function fully with an injured back. There is no point in considering the “might have-beens”. It happened. You prayed for immediate relief. I heard, but did not provide such. You bargained with Me, and I shall expect you to do what you have pledged.

I did not cause the hurt to develop, but I am here to take advantage of it. You must be less active this week, and therefore you can give fuller attention to the analysis of My teachings to you. These analysis must be completed before you start writing your stories, and you should be doing this as December commences. Obviously, there is a bit of an overlap.

So, I let it be known to you that this misfortune to you has become a symbol for the completion of this assigned task. As you feel the discomfort it shall be a reminder that you have this task to complete… and limited time in which to do it. You have other tasks, too, some important. You have frittered away some valuable time this week. You must be more dedicated and disciplined in this week ahead.

You are struck by My emphasis on time, knowing that My perceptions are timeless. Time is a part of your world, and, in this case, it is a means to discipline. Yes, the important thing is that a task is done and done with a spirit of complete dedication to Me. Ultimately, it matters not how and when it is done, but you respond to the discipline of time, so I invoke it as one of the conditions for this that I want completed.

NOV. 29, 1980, 6:47 AM

I directed you, o son, to the teaching entitled Misfortune yesterday, and you would do well to review that again. This morning I shall teach you on the same theme, an important one for Christians, with reference to the actual misfortune you have suffered. Your back this morn, is stiff and sore, and it is difficult to function fully with an injured back. There is no point in considering the “might have-beens”. It happened. You prayed for immediate relief. I heard, but did not provide such. You bargained with Me . . .

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