Missed Opportunities

WED., NOV. 25, 1987, 6:04 AM

You are up unexpectedly on this warm pre-Thanksgiving morning. The title I have offered does not seem to be a reward for this faithfulness, but rather a chance for some chastisement. You must admit, however, that I am not a hard taskmaster. I accept you as you are and seek only to help you become more of what you could be.

So, I know that you have sufficient self-esteem to accept what I offer this day. For I shall remind you of missed opportunities, even as I say again that opportunities are continuous. You inevitably shall miss or pass up some, even as you are accepting and rejoicing in others. Still, some should be recaptured, as you did yesterday with the letter to Terri. I can’t tell you how that relationship will develop, but it is an instance of My bringing two people together for mutual benefit.

You have cards on your desk… names of men Lenore has talked with who have evidenced interest in your Ruminations and hence in the fruit of this that We do together. These shall not take much time or attention. Short notes of welcome will be sufficient. Then just let the letters themselves do what they can do.

The notes to Leslie and Dorene shall require a bit more attention, but these are important followups to the opportunities you realized in New Orleans. Both of these are important young persons of which I am fully aware. You can be of some help to each, and they need to know that you care. The opportunity still awaits.

You are aware of and ready to begin your Ruminations on Christmas. You know that I want you to get that out this coming week, and that I shall be assisting in ways that you shall appreciate. You shall compose this quickly, for you have more than sufficient material. Begin tomorrow morning, knowing that this is an opportunity that I do bless. Increase the number you have printed, for you see how past issues are dwindling. Some of the truly good ones from past years must be reprinted. Consider that an opportunity for after the New Year.

The letter to your Dean about the convention is long overdue. That is an important service to your Department and to all of the graduates that you met and greeted. Try to work that in soon. Even though it is a seemingly secular, professional letter it has a spiritual connotation to it… and hence I mention and encourage it.

A short letter to Rick as a followup to the telephone conversation will help to keep that relationship flourishing. Remember that all true and beneficial relationships are ones of sharing. You have as much to gain from him as he from you. Never feel that you are the mentor who must give and give, receiving nothing but some adulation in return. Rather, I urge you to see that you can gain much from Rick and from the active relationship. The opportunity is definitely mutual. You must put off work on his paper, but that shall be another opportunity for early next year.

You are chagrined to be reminded that it has been nearly a year since I challenged you to stimulate the relationship with My servant Bill Davis. That is an opportunity missed, truly, and yet it still beckons. You have reread what I said last year, so I shall not repeat it. Just know that this is something I still want… for both of you.

The letter from Liza deserves a fairly prompt response, along with the Teachings you assembled some time ago for her and for Laurette. You know how important these are to both of these fine people, so don’t procrastinate much longer.

Dave and Dolores Smith also continue to miss the relationship that these Teachings represent. Don’t let that opportunity pass by much longer.

You certainly didn’t doubt that I could fill these customary three pages with reminders of missed opportunities. There are no real surprises. I know you must balance these with your other daily opportunities, but I observe that you still waste much valuable time… an earth commodity supreme. Type this up and have a copy on your desk.

In freedom
7:01 AM