Mission? Clearer

SUN., APR. 1, 1984, 10:21 AM

Yes, this has been quite an adventure, and, as you suspected, it has helped to make just a bit clearer your mission in this life… your best service to Me and to others of your fellow humans. So it is quite appropriate for Me to comment and to guide your reflections as you head for home. It was important for you to have this worship experience this morning, as part of your sabbatical experience. Write up these contrasting celebrations ere you depart.

This convention was symbolic evidence that the major site of your mission is within your professional group… among health educators. Do not even consider not going to these conventions in the immediate future. You must alternate times of presentation with times of just being available… of being one of the seniors in your field who has a unique zest for life. Continue to expand your Ruminations coverage, being aware of those who shall ask or otherwise respond to this increasingly known publication. Just hear that this professional involvement is part of your mission, and I would even advise against cutting short your participation, as you just did. Be available for the whole experience.

I have told you, and I reiterate, that your major mission is not counseling, but an important part is being available, listening to colleagues with problems, and reacting just as a friend, a colleague, and a man with a unique relationship with Me, who is the Counselor. Let your spirit hear and respond. Dale, for example, is one of My friends, though his relationship is somewhat different than yours. His struggle is a hard one, but it is important to his growth and mission. I am often tempted to intervene, but it would not be to his ultimate advantage. You were helpful to him, and you can continue to be. You know that you and he have a special relationship. Continue in it, and help as you can, and as I direct.

You must not diminish your gentle insistence that spirit is both a legitimate and an important dimension of health. Look ahead, as necessary, and plan ways that you can infuse this truth into the scheduled sessions, as well as on the periphery. It shall take some effort, but not much. And do not be put aside by a refusal. Smile, know that I want this, and try again.

Another vital part of your mission, which was not emphasized in this Western adventure, now waning, is the inclusion of environment as a dimension of health, with special emphasis on relationships between environment and spirit. Some are called to teach, preach, and espouse a rather sterile, ethereal Christian faith. You are called to say, in many ways, that “the earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof…” I love the earth and many of the physical aspects of it, even some created by humans… including some who do not acknowledge Me. Stewardship of the earth is a responsibility all spiritual beings should accept. The lifestyle of the West, that your culture urges world-wide, is, in many ways, an antithesis to this responsibility. You must remind your profession and others you can influence of this mismatch. The priority must go to the earth and its many forms of life. And know that your responsibility commences on your own Farm, that environmental jewel I have given to you. Consider this, as the Spring comes.

SUN., APR. 1, 1984, 10:21 AM

Yes, this has been quite an adventure, and, as you suspected, it has helped to make just a bit clearer your mission in this life… your best service to Me and to others of your fellow humans. So it is quite appropriate for Me to comment and to guide your reflections as you head for home. It was important for you to have this worship experience this morning, as part of your sabbatical experience. Write up these contrasting celebrations ere you depart.

This convention was symbolic evidence that the major . . .

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