Mistakes… Sins

SUN., JAN. 12, 1997, 6:59 AM

Mistakes are part of human life, and so are sins. The difference is not in the action itself, but in the spirit behind the action. And I’ll say directly and “right off the bat”, when you have come to Me… and you and I know when this is “real”… you truly can’t sin. You make mistakes, and some of these are worth lamenting, but I continue to negate any sins that “slip in”, just from being human.

Here’s a fair analogy. When you are born you begin an active human life, with consciousness as an important part of that life. But sleep is a necessity in human life, so you give up consciousness, but after some hours of sleep you return to consciousness and activity. As long as you are alive and have that consciousness it returns and life goes on. In somewhat like fashion, when you have been born again (and, even, again), you may, as a human, sin, but your relationship with Me reasserts itself (from your will and Mine), and the sin is “no more”.

Mistakes are to be avoided and prevented, and right, appropriate actions are mistakes that have been prevented. As you have asked, rhetorically, “how many accidents haven’t you had today?” Many positive actions prevent accidents, one kind of mistakes.

It will be interesting for you to see how Richard develops the sermon topic this morning. Will it deal with whether any person’s birth can be a mistake? (Pay attention to this, as long as We’re doing it… a mistake, not a sin.) As part of the diversity I create, allow, and love there are some births that I can call mistakes. This means that the person is born into the wrong situation, at the wrong time… for self or for others, or both. Spirit can still grow in such circumstances, but there is greater chance of frustration, lack of growth, or, even, regression.

Was it a mistake for Me, as Jesus, to be born in a way your tradition celebrates? Was this the right time and situation? Was an early physical death necessary, when it wasn’t, as an infant? Was it necessary for the Jews to reject Me, in order that a much larger Gentile population might be My Body, the Church? Thus, perhaps, it wasn’t a mistake to be born a Jew and have that heritage as a part of Christian life now. (You can stop now and finish after morning worship).

( 7:32 / 4:00 P )

The Scripture passage from John involved the conversation with Nicodemus, when I said to him, “You must be born again… from above.” He didn’t understand, and those like him are certainly prevalent in this time and culture. Oh, the Pentecostals almost claim this as their “thing”, with this “rebirth” being quite a dramatic event. Some physical births are dramatic, and your culture has medicalized childbirth so, there is much preparation, at least, for the unusual, the difficult birth. But earthwide, most births are not truly dramatic. Your born again experience was in that mode. It was more of a gradual realization of grace and how that was freely offered… and your acceptance of this gift.

Okay, but if you’ve been born from above is it necessary or important to be born to an even closer relationship with Me, the Holy Spirit? It wasn’t necessary, but it was important. You didn’t seek it, but you acknowledged My seeking you. I don’t do this routinely or very often (considering the total human population), but I came to you, and it was yet another spiritual birth, from even “higher above”.

This doesn’t prevent you from making mistakes, but it does absorb the sins in your life. Actually, when you don’t have to be concerned about sins you actually sin less, in actions. It just almost always works this way.

SUN., JAN. 12, 1997, 6:59 AM

Mistakes are part of human life, and so are sins. The difference is not in the action itself, but in the spirit behind the action. And I’ll say directly and “right off the bat”, when you have come to Me… and you and I know when this is “real”… you truly can’t sin. You make mistakes, and some of these are worth lamenting, but I continue to negate any sins that “slip in”, just from being human.

Here’s a fair analogy. When you are born you begin an . . .

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